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. 2017 Sep 21;88:137–159. doi: 10.1016/j.simyco.2017.09.001

Table 1.

Isolates used in this study and their GenBank accession numbers. Bold accession numbers were generated in other studies.

Name CBS Database Strain number1 Substrate/host Location GenBank accession number
ITS tub2 tef1 LSU
Acaulium acremonium CBS 104.65ET; ATCC 16282; DSM 1987; MUCL 8274 Wheat field soil Germany KY852468 LN851109 LN851056 KY852479
A. albonigrescens CBS 109.69ET; ATCC 18841; IHEM 18560 Litter, treated with urea Japan KY852469 LN851111 LN851058 KY852480
A. album comb. nov. Graphium putredinis CBS 378.64 Queen of bumble-bee Denmark KY852470 KY852481
G. putredinis CBS 212.73 Soil Netherlands KY852471 KY852482
G. putredinis CBS 257.82, ATCC 46569 Decaying Coprinus micaceus Canada KY852472 KY852483
G. putredinis CBS 539.85ET Hair in dung in pole cat Netherlands KY852473 KY852484
A. caviariforme CBS 536.87T; TRTC 50940 Decaying meat Belgium LM652392 LN851112 LN851059 LN851005
Cephalotrichum asperulum Doratomyces stemonitis CBS 127.22; DTO 170-B5; IMI 086947; LSHB Sc177; MUCL 4031 Seed Netherlands LN850959 LN851113 LN851060
CBS 215.49; DTO 334-G8; ATCC 11259 Unknown Indonesia KY249250 KY249291 KY249329
D. asperulus CBS 582.71IT; DTO 104-B7; ATCC 26885; LCP 73.2231 Soil Argentina LN850960 LN851114 LN851061 KX924027
C. brevistipitatum D. purpureofuscus CBS 157.57T; DTO 334-H7; MUCL 4036 Solanum tuberosum Netherlands LN850984 LN851138 LN851084
C. cylindricum Trichurus terrophilus CBS 646.70; DTO 335-A2 Soil France KY249251 KY249292 KY249330
T. terrophilus CBS 587.77; DTO 335-A7 Soil Turkey KY249252 KY249293 KY249331
CBS 127136; DTO 335-C5; RMF 7618 Soil USA KY249253 KY249294 KY249332
T. cylindricus UAMH 1348ET Sorghum seed USA LN850965 LN851119 LN851066
C. dendrocephalum T. dendrocephalus CBS 528.85IT; DTO 170-H4; MUCL 28855; NHL 2927 Cultivated soil Iraq LN850966 LN851120 LN851067
C. domesticum sp. nov. D. purpureofuscus CBS 139.42; DTO 334-G6; IFO 7677; MUCL 4025 Manure Netherlands KY249277 KY249315 KY249357
D. purpureofuscus CBS 255.50; DTO 334-G9; MUCL 4037 Mushroom compost Netherlands KY249278 KY249316 KY249358
D. purpureofuscus CBS 395.67; DTO 336-C5 Indoor, plaster Netherlands KY249279 KY249317 KY249359
CBS 142035T; DTO 077-D6 Indoor air, house Netherlands KY249280 KY249318 KY249360
C. gorgonifer T. spiralis CBS 131.08; DTO 336-C2 Unknown USA LN850974 LN851128 KY249333
T. spiralis CBS 104.15; DTO 338-G1; MUCL 9831 Unknown UK KY249254 KY249295 KY249334
T. terrophilus CBS 368.53; DTO 334-H6 Treated wood South Africa LN850976 LN851130 LN851076
T. spiralis CBS 496.62; DTO 338-G2; MUCL 9830 Compost ground domestic waste Italy KY249255 KY249296 KY249335
T. spiralis CBS 877.68; DTO 334-I7; ATCC 16231 Wheat field soil Germany KY249256 KY249297 KY249336
T. spiralis CBS 635.78ET; DTO 170-G9 Human hair Netherlands LN850977 LN851131 LN851077
T. spiralis CBS 120011; DTO 335-C2 Soil South Africa KY249257 KY249298 KY249337
CBS 124434; DTO 335-C3 Human foot Denmark KY249258 KY249299 KY249338
D. stemonitis CBS 125064; DTO 335-C4 Mouldarray fungi Denmark KY249259 KY249300 KY249339
DTO 005-E7 Indoor Germany KY249260 KY249301 KY249340
DTO 054-I8 Indoor Germany KY249261 KY249302 KY249341
DTO 054-I9 Indoor Germany KY249262 KY249303 KY249342
DTO 055-C1 Indoor Germany KY249263 KY249304 KY249343
DTO 055-C2 Indoor Germany KY249264 KY249305 KY249344
DTO 055-D6 Indoor Germany KY249265 np KY249345
DTO 090-A7 Indoor air, house Netherlands KY249266 KY249306 KY249346
DTO 164-D4 Indoor air, bakery Netherlands KY249267 KY249307 KY249347
DTO 240-B2 Indoor swab, archive Netherlands KY249268 KY249308 KY249348
UAMH 3585 Mushroom compost Canada LN850978 LN851132 LN851078
C. hinnuleum D. stemonitis CBS 289.66T; DTO 334-I1; IFO 8314 Dung of deer Australia LN850985 LN851139 LN851085
C. lignatile sp. nov. D. microsporus CBS 209.63T; DTO 170-D5 Timber in cave Belgium KY249269 KY249309 KY249349
C. microsporum D. purpureofuscus CBS 523.63ET; DTO 103-I7; ATCC 16224; IFO 31240; MUCL 4041 Wheat field soil Germany LN850967 np LN851068
D. microsporus CBS 132.68; DTO 055-I1 Ligustrum vulgare, dead twig Netherlands KY249270 KY249310 KY249350
DTO 152-C1 Indoor Unknown KY249271 KY249311 KY249351
DTO 152-D4 Indoor Unknown KY249272 np KY249352
DTO 207-C6 Indoor Germany KY249273 KY249312 KY249353
UAMH 9365T Indoor air Canada LN850968 LN851122 LN851069
C. nanum D. nanus CBS 188.60; DTO 103-H8; DTO 103-H9; MUCL 4042 Unknown Italy KY249274 KY249313 KY249354
D. nanus CBS 191.61ET; DTO 334-H8; IFO 8180; IFO 8184; IMI 068394; LSHB Sc14; LSHB Sc142; MUCL 4038 Dung of deer UK LN850969 LN851123 LN851070
D. nanus CBS 882.68; DTO 104-B1; ATCC 16219; IFO 31239 Wheat field soil Germany KY249275 np KY249355
D. nanus CBS 139532; DTO 335-D3; WSF 5700 Forest soil USA KY249276 KY249314 KY249356
UAMH 9126 Dung of bison Canada LN850970 LN851124 LN851071
C. purpureofuscum D. purpureofuscus CBS 174.68; DTO 055-I5 Zea mays, grain Unknown KY249281 KY249319 KY249361
D. stemonitis CBS 116683; DTO 055-I3 Tunnelwall containing cellulose Netherlands KY249282 KY249320 KY249362
DTO 054-I1 Indoor Germany KY249283 KY249321 KY249363
DTO 055-H8 Indoor Germany KY249284 KY249322 KY249364
UAMH 9209 Indoor air Canada LN850971 LN851125 LN851072
C. stemonitis D. stemonitis CBS 103.19NT; DTO 170-B3; MUCL 6960 Seed Netherlands LN850951 LN850954 LN850953 LN850952
D. stemonitis CBS 180.35; DTO 334-F9; IMI 086946; LSHB Sc124 Unknown Unknown LN850972 LN851126 LN851073
D. stemonitis CBS 127788; DTO 335-C6; RMF H 423 Soil USA KY249285 KY249323 KY249365
UAMH 1532 Unknown Unknown LN850973 LN851127 LN851074
C. telluricum sp. nov. T. spiralis CBS 336.32T; DTO 334-F7; MUCL 9829; UAMH 8882 Soil Cyprus KY249287 KY249325 KY249367
T. terrophilus CBS 568.50; DTO 334-H1 Soil Canada KY249288 KY249326 KY249368
C. tenuissimum sp. nov. D. microsporus CBS 127792T; DTO 335-C7; RMF H 318 Soil USA KY249286 KY249324 KY249366
C. transvaalense sp. nov. T. terrophilus CBS 448.51T; DTO 170-C1; IFO 7660; IMI 046251; LSHB B344 Eucalyptus saligna timber, in cellar South Africa LN850964 LN851118 LN851065
C. verrucisporum D. asperulus CBS 512.72; DTO 104-B9; DTO 104-C1; DTO 104-C2 Agricultural soil Netherlands KY249289 KY249327 KY249369
D. asperulus CBS 187.78; DTO 336-C6 Sand dune soil Netherlands LN850986 LN851140 LN851086
DTO 055-D7 Indoor Germany KY249290 KY249328 KY249370
Graphium penicillioides CBS 102632ET; JCM 10498 Populus nigra Czech Republic KY852474 KY852485
Kernia columnaris comb. nov. C. columnare CBS 159.66T; IMI 116691 Dung of hare South Africa KY852475 KY852477 KY852478 KY852486
K. nitida CBS 282.52; IFO 8200 Chrysolina sanguinolenta France KY852476 KY852487
Wardomyces inflatus CBS 367.62NT; DTO 170-D2; DAOM 84715; MUCL 669 Greenhouse soil Belgium LN850994 LN851153 LN851099

First strain number is of the examined isolate. ATCC: American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA, USA; CBS: Culture Collection of the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, Netherlands; DAOM: Canadian National Mycological Herbarium, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Canada; DSM: Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen, Braunschweig, Germany; DTO: Working Collection of the Applied and Industrial Mycology Group of the CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, Netherlands; IFO: Institute for Fermentation Culture Collection, Osaka, Japan; IHEM: Biomedical Fungi and Yeast Collection of the Belgian Co-ordinated Collections of Micro-organisms (BCCM), Brussels, Belgium; IMI: Culture Collection of CABI Europe-UK, Egham, UK; JCM: Japan Collection of Microorganisms, Microbe Division, RIKEN-BioResource Center, Koyadai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan; LCP: Laboratory of Cryptogamy, National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France; LSHB: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK; MUCL: (Agro)Industrial Fungi and Yeast Collection of the Belgian Co-ordinated Collections of Micro-organisms (BCCM), Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium; NHL: National Institute of Hygienic Sciences, Tokyo, Japan; RMF: Rocky Mountain Herbarium, Fungi, Univeristy of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, USA; TRTC: Royal Ontario Museum Fungarium, Toronto, Canada; UAMH: University of Toronto, UAMH Centre for Global Microfungal Biodiversity, Toronto, Canada; WSF: Wisconsin Soil Fungi Collection, Madison, WI, USA. Ex-epitype, -isotype, -type, and -neotype isolates are indicated with ET, IT, T and NT, respectively.