Figure 1.
shows the user inter-face of Sedeen Viewer. Certain key aspects of Sedeen Viewer’s functionality will be highlighted here while further details of its use are described in the user manual. The Toolbar (1) provides access to controls for image navigation and allows the display layout (stacked, vertical, horizontal) to be customized. Screenshot, format conversion and cropping tools are also available. The File Manager panel (2) allows the order of images and their visibility to be controlled. Opacity of images and transformation parameters can also be modified which supports manual alignment. The Overlay Manager (3) provides tools for annotation and markup of images. Drawing tools include polygons, rulers, arrow, rectangles, ovals and freehand shapes. The properties of overlays (color, name and description) can be modified and reports on their relevant characteristics (e.g. area, length) can be displayed. Annotations can be exported in a human readable XML format, and can be imported into other programs and applications. The Analysis Manager (4) allows plugins generated with Pathcore SDK to be loaded into Sedeen. SDK generated plugins allow developers to collect parameters and display results of analysis in real-time.