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. 2017 Nov 9;6:e30292. doi: 10.7554/eLife.30292

Key resource table.

Reagent type (species)
or resource
Designation Source or reference Identifiers Additional information
strain, strain background
(Shigella flexneri,serotype
5a strain M90T)
GFP-tagged shigella other Jost Enninga (Paris)
strain, strain background
(Shigella flexneri,serotype
5a strain M90T)
RFP-tagged shigella other Jost Enninga (Paris)
strain, strain background
(Shigella flexneri,serotype
5a strain M90T)
mCherry-tagged shigella PMID:24039575 strain only used in S. Mostowy
lab (London)
cell line (Homo sapiens) U2OS other Matthias Peter (Zurich)
cell line (H. sapiens) U2OS-KERMIT PMID:26259702
cell line (Cercopithecus
COS7 UCSF cell culture facility
cell line (H. sapiens) KERMIT-DRP1CRISPR this paper CRISPR-mediated DRP1 knockout
cell line, generated using
pX330-DRP1e × 2 and pX330-
DRP1e × 6 (see entry for
these plasmids)
antibody Anti-DRP1 (mouse monoclonal) Abcam Abcam:ab56788 (1:2000)
antibody Anti-MFF (rabbit polyclonal) SIGMA-ALDRICH SIGMA:HPA010968 (1:50)
antibody Anti-MFF (rabbit polyclonal) Protein Tech Group, Inc. Proteintech:
antibody Anti-α-Tubulin SIGMA-ALDRICH SIGMA:T5168 (1:2000)
recombinant DNA reagent GFP-DRP1 (plasmid) PMID:26101352
recombinant DNA reagent Mid49-Cherry (plasmid) PMID:26101352
recombinant DNA reagent mCherry-DRP1 (plasmid) PMID:21885730
recombinant DNA reagent mCherry-Lifeact (plasmid) PMID:22980331
recombinant DNA reagent ATL1-K80A; CLIMP-63 (plasmid) other Robin Klemm (Zurich)
recombinant DNA reagent Cyto-ATL2 (plasmid) PMID:28826471
recombinant DNA reagent pLVX-puro-GFP-Lifeact;
pPax2; pMD2.G (plasmid)
other Michael Way (London)
recombinant DNA reagent pLVX-GFP-Lifeact;
pLVX-RFP-Lifeact (plasmid)
this paper puromycin-resistant cassette deleted.
recombinant DNA reagent pLVX-mtBFP (plasmid) this paper Progentiors: PCR, mtBFP from
pcDNA3.1-mtBFP (PMID:26259702);
Vector pLVX
recombinant DNA reagent pLVX-Puro-MFF (plasmid) this paper Progenitors: PCR, GFP-MFF
(Addgene:49153); Vector pLVX-puro
recombinant DNA reagent pLVX-mCherry-Fis1TM (plasmid) this paper Progenitors: PCR, Fis1
transmembrane domain from
pBK416 (PMID:28864540);
Vector pLVX
recombinant DNA reagent shCtrl (plasmid) SIGMA-ALDRICH SIGMA:SHC201
recombinant DNA reagent shDRP1 (plasmid) SIGMA-ALDRICH SIGMA:
recombinant DNA reagent pX330-DRP1e × 2 (plasmid) this paper pX330-DRP1e × 2 was generated by
cloning the following annealed
oligodeoxynucleotides into the pX330
recombinant DNA reagent pX330-DRP1e × 6 (plasmid) this paper pX330-DRP1e × 6 was generated by
cloning the following annealed
oligodeoxynucleotides into the pX330
vector (5’- caccGAGACCTCTCATTC
sequence-based reagent siDRP1 #1 PMID:15286177 siRNA 5'-UCCGUGAUGAGUAUG
sequence-based reagent siDRP1 #2 PMID:21186368 siRNA 5′-CTGGAGAGGAATGCTGAAA-3′
sequence-based reagent siMFF this paper siRNA 5′-CUGAGCAGUUCUGCA
sequence-based reagent siINF2-CAAX PMID:23349293 siRNA 5′-ACAAAGAAACTGTGTGTGA-3′
software, algorithm ndsafir PMID:19900849