Figure 3.
Kinesin α4/α6 inhibitor binding site. (A) Ribbon diagrams. Left, kinesin-5-ADP-BI8 (PDB 3ZCW; α4/α6, dark pink; BI8, dark green). Inset, bound BI8 conformation. Center, KIFC1-ADP (PDB 5WDH; α4/α6, pale blue) superposed with kinesin-5-ADP-BI8. Right, Ncd-ADP H1 (PDB 5W3D; α4/α6, green) superposed with kinesin-5-ADP-BI8. (B) Space-filled α4/α6 cleft. Hydrophobic residues, gray; basic residues, hot pink; acidic residues, green or dark aqua (Ncd). Kinesin-5 G296 and corresponding residues, yellow (KIFC1, G600; Ncd, T607). Center inset, carbon backbone trace of the α4/α6 cleft protein chains.