Fig. 6.
Kaplan–Meier estimates of patients with neuroblastoma stage 4 aged ≥18 months (NB79–NB2004; n = 1139) by remission categories (a,c) and by grade of surgical resection (b,d): a event-free survival (log-rank test complete remission/very good partial remission vs. partial remission/mixed response/stable disease p = 0.002), c overall survival (log-rank test complete remission/very good partial remission vs. partial remission/mixed response/stable disease p = 0.021); stage 4 aged ≥18 months by best achieved grade of surgical resection (NB79–NB2004; n = 1116): b event-free survival (log-rank test biopsy vs. incomplete p < 0.001; incomplete vs. complete p = 0.807), d overall survival (log-rank test biopsy vs. incomplete p < 0.001; incomplete vs. complete p = 0.270). CR complete remission, MR mixed response, PR partial remission, SD stable disease, VGPR very good partial remission