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. 2017 Oct 18;32(12):1959–1966. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2017.32.12.1959

Table 2. Comparison of clinicopathological features between the patients with EBV(+) and EBV(−) placentas.

Clinical features EBV status
Negative (n = 52) Positive (n = 16) P value
Maternal age (range), yr 33.06 ± 3.70 (26–43) 33.06 ± 4.17 (27–40) 0.998
Gestational age at delivery, day 242.21 ± 26.67 241.56 ± 26.85 0.933
Fullterm delivery history 0.231
 0 33 7
 1–2 18 9
Preterm delivery history 1.000
 0 47 15
 1 4 1
Spontaneous abortion history 0.427
 0 43 12
 1–3 6 3
Artificial abortion history 0.669
 0 46 14
 1–2 2 2
Maternal height, cm 161.56 ± 5.52 161.64 ± 5.47 0.962
Pre-pregnancy BMI, kg/m2 21.37 ± 4.04 23.14 ± 4.62 0.196
Post-pregnancy BMI, kg/m2 25.51 ± 4.71 27.95 ± 5.29 0.113
Proteinuria 0.428
 0 46 14
 1+–4+ 1 1
Systolic BP, mmHg 116.12 ± 14.68 123.19 ± 11.29 0.081
Diastolic BP, mmHg 74.46 ± 13.29 75.63 ± 10.83 0.751
Blood glucose, mg/dL 94.05 ± 21.54 83.08 ± 11.06 0.085
Labor induction history 1.000
 No 44 14
 Yes 7 2
Fetal death 1.000
 Alive 49 16
 Dead 2 0
Fetal weight, kg 2.30 ± 0.92 2.40 ± 0.92 0.693
Fetal gender 0.764
 Male 43 12
 Female 21 4
Apgar score 1 min 0.665
 > 7 26 7
 ≤ 7 23 8
Apgar score 5 min 0.770
 > 7 15 4
 ≤ 7 34 11
Placental weight, g 576.92 ± 233.11 500.00 ± 160.26 0.233
Acute chorioamnionitis 1.000
 Absent 31 9
 Present 21 7
Acute funisitis 1.000
 Absent 47 15
 Present 5 1
Acute inflammation 0.567
 Absent 27 7
 Present 25 9
Chronic villitis 0.342
 Absent 48 13
 Present 4 3
Chronic chorioamnionitis 1.000
 Absent 37 12
 Present 15 4
Chronic deciduitis 0.689
 Absent 45 13
 Present 7 3
Chronic inflammation 0.769
 Absent 33 9
 Present 19 7

Data are shown as mean ± standard deviation.

EBV = Epstein-Barr virus, BMI = body mass index, BP = blood pressure.