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. 2017 Oct 20;59:143–153. doi: 10.1515/hukin-2017-0154

Table 2.

Bootstrap Analysis Summary Showing Direct and Indirect Effects of Goal Contents on Exercise Addiction through Harmonious and Obsessive Passion

IV MV Path a (IV-MV) Path b (MV-DV) Path c’ direct effect Path ab indirect effect SE of indirect effect BcCI (95%) indirect effect

Lower Upper
SA HP .11** -.21*** .01 -.02* .01 -.0484 -.0079
SA OP .00 .28*** .01 .00 .02 -.0455 .0410
HM HP .01 -.21*** .04 -.00 .01 -.0238 .0281
HM OP -.24* .28*** .04 -.07* .03 -.1359 -.0048
SD HP .26*** -.21*** .04 -.06* .02 -.1046 -.0236
SD OP .38*** .28*** .04 .11* .03 .0566 .1721
IMA HP -.10** -.21*** .05 .02* .01 .0070 .0412
IMA OP .06 .28*** .05 .02 .02 -.0182 .0518
SR HP .00 -.21*** .06 .00 .00 -.0143 .0039
SR OP .12** .28*** .06 .03* .01 .0199 .0620

SA = social affiliation; HM = health management; SD = skill development; IMA = image; SR = social recognition; HP = harmonious passion; OP = obsessive passion; EA = exercise addiction; IV = independent variable; MV = mediator variable; DV = dependent variable; SE = standard error; BcCI = bias-corrected confidence interval. Values based on non-standardised coefficients. Bootstrapping technique with 10000 re-samples applied.


p < .01


p < .001


p < .05