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. 2017 Sep 13;28:21. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2017.28.21.11255

Table 1.

Socio demographic characteristics of respondents

Variable Categories Baseline Survey Midterm Survey (9 Months) End term Survey (18 months)
Mwingi West Mwingi North Mwingi West Mwingi North Mwingi West Mwingi North
Age F % F % F % F % F % F %
16-20 years 8 1.9 12 2.9 14 3.4 18 4.4 29 7.0 20 4.8
21-25 years 35 8.4 63 15.3 61 14.8 59 14.3 64 15.3 76 18.1
26-30 years 106 25.5 134 32.6 141 34.1 127 30.8 112 26.9 117 27.9
31-35 years 149 35.8 139 33.8 126 30.5 143 34.6 132 31.7 138 32.9
36-40 years 113 27.2 57 13.9 69 16.7 59 14.3 80 19.2 63 15.0
41-45 years 5 1.2 6 1.5 2 0.5 7 1.7 0 0 6 1.4
Parity 1 Child 20 4.8 23 5.6 25 6.1 22 5.3 13 3.1 30 7.1
2 children 19 4.6 22 5.4 28 6.8 15 3.6 26 6.2 13 3.1
3 children 60 14.4 58 14.1 74 17.9 64 15.5 65 15.6 67 16.0
4 children 105 25.2 124 30.2 93 22.5 93 22.5 122 29.3 89 21.2
5 children 93 22.4 89 21.7 95 23.0 113 27.4 99 23.7 100 23.8
6 children 63 15.1 74 18.0 66 16.0 82 19.9 65 15.6 88 21.0
6 and above 56 13.5 21 5.1 32 7.7 24 5.8 27 6.5 33 7.9
No education 33 7.9 12 2.9 25 6.1 16 3.9 27 6.5 8 1.9
Primary level 141 33.9 86 20.9 127 30.8 108 26.2 102 24.5 124 29.5
Secondary level 149 35.8 228 55.5 167 40.4 187 45.3 208 49.9 167 39.8
College/University 93 22.4 85 20.7 94 22.8 102 24.7 80 19.2 121 28.8
Occupation Not working 8 1.9 10 2.4 13 3.1 15 3.6 34 8.2 15 3.6
Peasant Farmer 206 49.5 233 56.7 225 54.5 247 59.8 226 54.2 230 54.8
Business 105 25.2 117 28.5 91 22.0 92 22.3 99 23.7 108 25.7
employment 97 23.3 51 12.4 84 20.3 59 14.3 58 13.9 67 16.0
Single 21 5.0 31 7.5 30 7.3 44 10.7 40 9.6 34 8.1
Married 306 73.6 350 85.2 299 72.4 328 79.4 311 74.6 337 80.2
Windowed 24 5.8 12 2.9 16 3.9 15 3.6 18 4.3 18 4.3
Sep./ Divorced 65 15.6 18 4.4 68 16.5 26 6.3 48 11.5 31 7.4
Monthly Income ≤2500 118 28.4 219 53.3 153 37.0 221 53.5 161 38.6 242 57.6
2501 - 5000 129 31.0 109 26.5 122 29.5 94 22.8 133 31.9 86 20.5
5001 - 7500 45 10.8 32 7.8 53 12.8 29 7.0 47 11.3 22 5.2
7501 - 10000 66 15.9 12 2.9 14 3.4 18 4.4 15 3.6 19 4.5
> 10000 58 13.9 39 9.5 71 17.2 51 12.3 61 14.6 51 12.1
F. and %. totals each Variable 416 100 411 100 413 100 413 100 417 100 420 100