Table 4.
Diagnostic Procedure Data Elements and Definitions
Element Name | Element Definition |
| |
Rhythm | The categories of rhythm are
Site where first ECG obtained | Indicate where the first ECG was obtained. |
Choose 1 of the following:
| |
First ECG date/time | Indicate the date and time of the first ECG. |
STEMI or STEMI equivalent | Indicate if there was either new or presumed new ST-segment elevation, new LBBB, or isolated inferobasal MI before any procedures and not more than 24 h after the initial presentation. |
ECG evidence for STEMI or STEMI equivalent | Indicate if there was either new or presumed
new ST-segment elevation, new LBBB, or isolated inferobasal (posterior)
MI noted on the ECG before any procedures and not more than 24 h after
the initial presentation. Choose 1 of the following:
STEMI or STEMI equivalent noted | Indicate if a STEMI or STEMI equivalent was noted on either the first or a subsequent ECG. The subsequent ECG must be performed within 24 h of initial presentation, either to your facility or the transferring facility if a transfer patient. |
Choose 1 of the following:
| |
STEMI or STEMI equivalent date/time | Indicate the date and time of the earliest subsequent ECG with ST-segment elevation, LBBB, or isolated inferobasal MI. |
Other ischemic ECG findings | Indicate if other findings from the ECG were demonstrated within 24 h of the first medical contact. |
Choose all that apply:
| |
Location of ECG changes | The location of each type of
electrocardiographic change listed below can be divided into 4
Consideration can be given to recording posterior ST changes, the maximal amount of ST (if applicable), and/or the number of leads with ST. | |
BBB and type | The presence of left or right BBB should be noted, as well as whether it is new, old, or of uncertain timing. |
Follow-up ECG: new Q waves | If a follow-up ECG is performed (at least 6 h after the initial ECG), the presence or absence of new Q waves that are ≥0.03 s in width, in at least 2 contiguous leads, and 1 mm (0.1 mV) in depth not seen on the initial ECG should be noted, as well as the location described above. |
Laboratory Tests | |
LDL value | Indicate the value of the LDL cholesterol. If the value is reported using a “>” symbol (e.g., >300), record the number only (e.g., 300). Lipids obtained within the first 24 h of this admission should take precedence. If >24 h after admission, then enter prior values. |
HDL value | Indicate the HDL-cholesterol value. If the value is reported using a “>” symbol (e.g., >300), record the number only (e.g., 300). Lipids obtained within the first 24 h of this admission should take precedence. If >24 h after admission, then enter prior values. |
Triglycerides value | Indicate the value of triglycerides. If the value is reported using a “>” (e.g, >300), record the number only (e.g., 300). Lipids obtained within the first 24 h of this admission should take precedence. If >24 h of admission, then enter prior values. |
Date of lipids | Indicate the date the sample was collected (not the date and time results reported) OR check either “Performed before hospitalization” or “Unknown.” Lipids obtained within the first 24 h of this admission should take precedence. If >24 h after admission, then enter prior values. |
When lipids were measured: other | Indicate the date and time the sample was collected (not the date and time results reported) OR check either “Performed before hospitalization” or “Unknown.” Lipids obtained within the first 24 h of this admission should take precedence. If 24 h after admission, then enter prior values. |
BNP/NT-proBNP value | Indicate the results from first BNP or first NT pro-BNP performed during this admission. If done, enter the numerical value and specify which assay type was done. |
hs-CRP | Indicate the value of the first serum hs-CRP level and units. |
Glucose | Indicate the first glucose value taken. Indicate if fasting or not. |
Creatinine | Indicate the creatinine value taken at the time of admission and at the time of discharge. |
Hemoglobin | Indicate the value and units for the first hemoglobin collected during this admission. Date and time of collection should also be indicated. |
Hemoglobin A1c value | Indicate the percentage value for the first hemoglobin A1c collected during this admission. Date and time of collection should also be indicated. |
INR | Indicate the numerical value of INR on admission. Date and time of collection should also be indicated. |
Initial CK value | Indicate the results of the first CK sample obtained within the first 24 h of care, either from a transferring hospital or your hospital. If the patient was transferred into your hospital, data available from the transferring facility should take precedence. |
Peak CK value | Indicate the results of the peak CK sample obtained during this admission. |
CK ULN | Indicate the total CK ULN as defined by individual hospital laboratory standards. The units of CK and type of units (e.g., IU, ng/dL, kCat/L) should be noted. |
Initial CK-MB value | Indicate the initial CK-MB value. The initial sample value refers to the first sample obtained within the first 24 h of care, either from a transferring hospital or your hospital. If the patient was transferred, data available from the transferring facility should take precedence. |
CK-MB ULN | Indicate the initial CK-MB sample ULN for the test. If a range is given, record the highest number in the range. |
| |
The initial sample value refers to the first sample obtained within the first 24 h of care, either from a transferring hospital or your hospital. If the patient was transferred, data available from the transferring facility should take precedence. | |
Peak CK-MB value | Indicate the results of the highest sample obtained during this admission. |
Note: Enter the value. If the value is reported using a “<” symbol (e.g., “<0.02”), record the number only (e.g., “0.02”). | |
Initial troponin value | Indicate the results of the first sample obtained within the first 24 h of care, either from a transferring hospital or your hospital. If the patient was transferred, data available from the transferring facility should take precedence. |
Note: Enter the value. If the value is reported using a “<” symbol (e.g., “<0.02”), record the number only (e.g., “0.02”). | |
Troponin type | Indicate which type:
Peak troponin value | Indicate the results of the highest sample obtained during this admission. |
Note: Enter the value. If the value is reported using a “<” symbol (e.g., “<0.02”), record the number only (e.g., “0.02”). |
BBB indicates bundle branch block; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; CK, creatinine kinase; CK-MB, creatinine kinase MB isoenzyme; ECG, electrocardiogram; EMS, emergency medical services; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; hs-CRP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; INR, international normalized ratio; LBBB, left bundle-branch block; LDL, low-density lipoprotein; MI, myocardial infarction; NT-proBNP, N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide; STEMI, ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; VT, ventricular tachycardia; and ULN, upper limit of normal.