Mapping and identification of the OtpR108W/+mutation. (A) Mapping and haplotype analysis identified a region of 4.4 Mbp on chromosome 13 (ENSEMBL GRCM38, version 87); OHH are obese, hyperglycemic, and hyperinsulinemic; NOHH are non-obese, non-hyperglycemic, and non-hyperinsulinemic. (B) Validation of Thbs4 and Otp mutations in the F1 founder. Aligned amino acids in black, red, green, and blue are completely conserved residues, a different residue but with function conserved, a different residue but with function semi-conserved and a different residue with no conservation of function, respectively. (C and D) Exclusion of Thbs4T449A/+ as the causal gene in a cohort carrying Thbs4T449A/+ and wildtype Otp. Weekly body weights (C) and fortnightly EchoMRI Lean mass (solid line) and fat mass (dotted line) mean ± SEM (D) of Thbs4T449A male mice showed no phenotype. For (C and D) Thbs4+/+ n = 23–24, Thbs4T449A/+ n = 23–24.