Table 1.
Patient and visit characteristics for patients with at least 1 Emergency Department Visit
Characteristic | Value |
Demographics | N = 8,651,016a |
Age in years, mean (SD) | 37.5 (22.7) |
Age Category, N (%) | |
Birth-14 years | 1,566,526 (18.1) |
15– 24 years | 1,297,733 (15.0) |
25–44 years | 2,459,990 (28.4) |
45–64 years | 2,216,398 (25.6) |
≥ 65 years | 1,110,369 (12.8) |
Male, N (%) | 3,992,574 (46.2) |
U.S. Census regions,b N (%) | |
Northeast | 2,292,502 (26.5) |
Midwest | 1,335,105 (15.4) |
South | 3,637,343 (42.1) |
West | 1,375,900 (15.9) |
U.S. territories | 1,066 (0.0) |
Enrollment Duration Categories, N (%) | |
< 1 year | 907,942 (10.5) |
1–2.9 years | 3,256,103 (37.6) |
3–4.9 years | 2,184,596 (25.3) |
≥ 5 years | 2,303,075 (26.6) |
Major diagnostic group,c N (%) | |
Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue | 2,026,778 (23.4) |
Injuries, poison, and toxic effects of drugs | 1,781,890 (20.6) |
Digestive system | 1,614,518 (18.7) |
Circulatory system | 1,352,981 (15.6) |
Respiratory system | 923,866 (10.7) |
Ear, nose, mouth, throat | 896,208 (10.4) |
Nervous system | 890,649 (10.3) |
Skin, subcutaneous tissue, and breast | 884,401 (10.2) |
Kidney and urinary tract | 607,186 (7.0) |
Factors influencing health status | 379,468 (4.4) |
Infectious and parasitic disease and disorders | 362,596 (4.2) |
Pregnancy and childbirth | 247,989 (2.9) |
Mental diseases and disorders | 244,717 (2.8) |
Female reproductive system | 200,107 (2.3) |
Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic system | 189,198 (2.2) |
Eye | 155,994 (1.8) |
Hepatobiliary system and pancreas | 92,817 (1.1) |
Alcohol/drug use or induced mental disorders | 84,050 (1.0) |
Blood, blood-forming organs | 57,435 (0.7) |
Burns | 43,275 (0.5) |
Male reproductive system | 19,105 (0.2) |
Myeloproliferative diseases and disorders | 11,778 (0.1) |
Newborns and neonates (perinatal period) | 9,770 (0.1) |
Multiple significant trauma | 8,109 (0.1) |
Human Immunodeficiency virus infections | 719 (0.0) |
Visit Severity,d N (%). (15,773,085 visit dates) | |
99281 (Straight Forward) | 161,266 (1.0) |
99282 (Low Complexity) | 619,948 (3.9) |
99283 (Moderately Low Complexity) | 4,845,879 (30.7) |
99284 (Moderately High Complexity) | 5,473,772 (34.7) |
99285 (High Complexity) | 4,672,220 (29.6) |
Abbreviations: N= number of patients, SD= standard deviation, %= percent of observations with non-missing values, ED= emergency department.
Demographics missing for 700 (0.008%) patients
Region is based on member zip code at first enrollment date.
Reported as number with at least 1 visit for each category. Total percent is > 100 if patients have >1 diagnosis.
If a patient visited >1 emergency department on the same day, the value reported is most severe for that day.