Phosphomimetic Brg1 mutant does not bind to or remodel chromatin at the Pax7 promotor.
A, mRNA expression levels of Pax7 in the indicated primary myoblasts. Values for the C57Bl/6 primary myoblasts were set at 1. B and C, quantification of ChIP assays measuring binding of Brg1 to the Pax7 promoter (B) or the IgH enhancer (C) in each of the indicated primary myoblasts. D, schematic representation of the location of the PvuII sites and the primer sets used for REAA. E and F, quantification of REAAs performed on the indicated primary myoblasts using primer sets 1 and 2 (E) or primer sets 3 and 4 (F). The accessibility at the PvuII site assessed by primer set 1 in the WT-Brg1-expressing primary myoblasts was set at 1. All data represent the average of three independent experiments, each assayed in triplicate ± S.D.; *, p < 0.01.