Phosphomimetic and non-phosphorylatable mutations in Brg1 or inhibition of CK2 affects intranuclear mobility and association with chromatin and the nuclear matrix.
A, time course of representative confocal microscopy images from FRAP experiments performed on primary myoblasts expressing WT-, SA-, or SE-Brg1. B, quantification of the fluorescence recovery of WT-, SA-, and SE-Brg1 mutants. Data represent the average values from five independently examined cells ± S.E. n.d., not detected. C, representative Western blottings (WB) of Brg1 in the indicated fractions derived from proliferating primary myoblasts. D, representative Western blottings from C57Bl/6 myoblasts for marker proteins to demonstrate the purity of the fractions used in C. E, representative Western blots of Brg1 and marker proteins present in the indicated fractions from primary myoblasts treated with TBB.