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. 2017 Nov 24;7(4):25. doi: 10.1051/bmdcn/2017070425

Table 1.

- Patient demographics before and after propensity score (PS) matching.

Variables Before PS Matching After PS Matching (10:1)
Total General patients Nurse P-value Total General patients Nurse P-value
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Total patients 518058 100.00 516100 99.62 1958 0.38 18601 100.00 16910 90.91 1691 9.09
Age <0.001 0.928
<25 3092 0.60 2913 0.56 179 9.14 1194 6.42 1083 6.40 111 6.56
25-34 15361 2.97 14951 2.90 410 20.94 3214 17.28 2933 17.34 281 16.62
35-44 53986 10.42 53436 10.35 550 28.09 5568 29.93 5069 29.98 499 29.51
45-54 127935 24.70 127351 24.68 584 29.83 6059 32.57 5494 32.49 565 33.41
55-64 136540 26.36 136363 26.42 177 9.04 1894 10.18 1717 10.15 177 10.47
≥65 181144 34.97 181086 35.09 58 2.96 672 3.61 614 3.63 58 3.43
Average age (Mean, Std) 59.22 13.15 59.29 13.11 42.01 12.03 44.14 11.86 44.19 11.87 43.60 11.78
Insured salary (NT$) <0.001 0.659
Low-income household 5010 0.97 5009 0.97 1 0.05 3 0.02 2 0.01 1 0.06
≤17280 35033 6.77 34873 6.77 160 8.17 1826 9.82 1670 9.88 156 9.23
17281~22800 295781 57.20 295390 57.34 391 19.97 4312 23.18 3922 23.19 390 23.06
22801~28800 77247 14.94 77044 14.96 203 10.37 2011 10.81 1819 10.76 192 11.35
28801~36300 30974 5.99 30745 5.97 229 11.70 2015 10.83 1829 10.82 186 11.00
36301~45800 33977 6.57 33470 6.50 507 25.89 4128 22.19 3739 22.11 389 23.00
45801~57800 19896 3.85 19584 3.80 312 15.93 2540 13.66 2311 13.67 229 13.54
≥57801 19206 3.71 19051 3.70 155 7.92 1766 9.49 1618 9.57 148 8.75
Missing data 934 934
Urbanization of residence <0.001 0.181
Level 1 141455 27.35 140779 27.33 676 34.53 6593 35.44 5998 35.47 595 35.19
Level 2 & 3 231299 44.73 230365 44.72 934 47.70 9149 49.19 8334 49.28 815 48.20
Level 4 & 5 94836 18.34 94589 18.36 247 12.61 2145 11.53 1944 11.50 201 11.89
Level 6 & 7 49533 9.58 49432 9.60 101 5.16 714 3.84 634 3.75 80 4.73
Missing data 935 935
Other catastrophic illnesses 0.318 0.158
No 503285 97.15 501375 97.15 1910 97.55 18200 97.84 16554 97.89 1646 97.34
Yes 14773 2.85 14725 2.85 48 2.45 401 2.16 356 2.11 45 2.66
Moderate to severe kidney disease 0.218 0.085
No 440556 85.04 438871 85.04 1685 86.06 16425 88.30 14954 88.43 1471 86.99
Yes 77502 14.96 77229 14.96 273 13.94 2176 11.70 1956 11.57 220 13.01
CCI <0.001 0.247
0 8776 1.69 8751 1.70 25 1.28 233 1.25 212 1.25 21 1.24
1~3 129044 24.91 128410 24.88 634 32.38 6438 34.61 5881 34.78 557 32.94
4~6 148079 28.58 147421 28.56 658 33.61 6130 32.96 5581 33.00 549 32.47
7~9 125612 24.25 125197 24.26 415 21.20 3858 20.74 3493 20.66 365 21.58
≥10 106547 20.57 106321 20.60 226 11.54 1942 10.44 1743 10.31 199 11.77
Average CCI (Mean, Std) 6.33 3.78 6.33 3.78 5.41 3.39 5.18 3.29 5.15 3.28 5.43 3.42
DCSI <0.001 0.438
0 359786 69.45 358301 69.42 1485 75.84 14358 77.19 13075 77.32 1283 75.87
1 79434 15.33 79144 15.34 290 14.81 2737 14.71 2480 14.67 257 15.20
2 52368 10.11 52232 10.12 136 6.95 1118 6.01 1009 5.97 109 6.45
≥3 26470 5.11 26423 5.12 47 2.40 388 2.09 346 2.05 42 2.48
Average DCSI (Mean, Std) 0.54 0.98 0.54 0.98 0.37 0.76 0.34 0.73 0.34 0.73 0.36 0.75

CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; DCSI, Diabetes Complications Severity Index; PS, propensity score. It’s 32 New Taiwan Dollar (NT$) per US dollar. Urbanization level of residence area (overall 7 levels; Level 1 was the most urbanized). The boldface indicated that p values less than 0.05 are considered statistically significant.