Fig. 5.
ROIs and the corresponding AST. (a): MEG-defined ROIs (color-coded) for D1 (red), D3 (blue), and D5 (green), and anatomically-defined ROIs (right and left thalamus with lighter and darker purple, and brainstem with yellow) overlaid on a 3D representation of T1 for a child with HCP (HCP3). (b): The reconstructed AST [binary images of the thresholded (10%) probabilistic maps] for a TD child (9 years old girl) and a child with HCP (HCP3) for the three digits (D1: red; D3: blue; D5: green) overlaid on their MRIs (coronal and axial views). (c): Anatomically-defined ROIs (right and left thalamus with lighter and darker purple, and brainstem with yellow) overlaid on the FA maps for the same child as in (a). (d) Axial view of the AST (AST topography) at the level of thalamus for the three digits [D1 (red), D3 (blue), and D5 (green)] for the same child as in (a). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)