Observed rotational lines of methyl silane, CH3SiH3,
towards IRC+10216 in antenna temperature (in K). The spectral
resolution is 1 MHz for lines below 200 GHz, and 2 MHz above that frequency.
Rest frequencies are indicated for an assumed LS R velocity of
the source of −26.5 km s−1. The arrows indicate the
position of the K = 0, 1, 2, and 3 components of each
J → (J – 1) rotational
transition. In most cases the K = 0 and 1 components appear
superposed. The identification of other features found in the spectra is
indicated. Some of the CH3SiH3 lines are partially
blended, but their red or blue parts are still clearly visible in the spectra.
Green lines correspond to the emerging line profiles calculated with the model
discussed in the text.