Table 1.
Observed frequency ranges and telescope parameters.
Rec.a | Backend | Freq.b [GHz] |
δυc [km s-1] |
ηMB d | HPBWe [arcsec] |
E0 | FFTS | 80–117 | 0.75–0.51 | 0.87–0.82 | 31–21 |
E1 | WILMA | 128–176 | 4.7–3.4 | 0.80–0.74 | 19–14 |
E2 | FFTS | 202–275 | 0.30–0.22 | 0.70–0.56 | 12–9 |
E3 | FFTS | 275–305 | 0.22–0.20 | 0.56–0.50 | 9–8 |
FFTS | 328–359 | 0.18–0.17 | 0.46–0.40 | 8–7 |
Emir receiver.
Observed frequency range.
Spectral resolution in velocity units (δυ) in the observed frequency ranges.
Antenna efficiencies.
The half power beam width can be well fitted by HPBW[arcsec]≈2460/Frequency[GHz].