Figure 1. CryoEM structure of the Eco 6S RNA/Eσ70 complex.
(A) (top) Secondary structure of wild-type Eco 6S RNA as observed in the cryoEM structure. Structural elements of the 6S RNA are labeled (CS, closing stem; DB, downstream bulge; DD, downstream duplex; CB, central bubble; UD1-3, upstream duplexes 1-3; UB1-2, upstream bulges 1-2; UTL, upstream terminal loop). The sequence is color-coded according to the RNase footprinting and localized hydroxyl-radical cleavage results comparing 6S RNA with and without Eσ70 (Figure S1B). RNA positions protected from RNase V1 and/or RNase A cleavage in the presence of Eσ70 are colored green. RNA positions showing hypersensitivity to RNAse V1 in the presence of Eσ70 are colored red. RNA positions efficiently cleaved by hydroxyl radicals generated from Fe2+ in place of the RNAP active site Mg2+ are boxed in yellow (Wassarman and Saecker, 2006). The position of pRNA synthesis initiation (U44) is indicated by a bent arrow.
(below) Secondary structure of 6S RNA* used in cryoEM structure determination, generated by truncating the CS and shuffling the sequence of the DD to give DD* (shuffled sequences highlighted in the orange box).
(B) The 3.8 Å resolution cryoEM density map of Eco 6S RNA/Eσ70 is rendered as a transparent surface colored as shown. Superimposed is the final refined model; the RNAP is shown as a backbone ribbon, the 6S RNA is shown in stick format.
(C) The 3.8-Å resolution cryoEM density map with the superimposed model of only the 6S RNA. Shown for reference is the RNAP active site Mg2+ ion (yellow sphere).
(D) Shown is just the promoter DNA after superimposing the Eσ70 from the crystal structure of an open promoter complex (PDB ID 4XLN) (Bae et al., 2015) onto the 6S RNA/Eσ70 structure. The promoter DNA is colored blue but the -35 and -10 elements of the DNA are colored yellow. The -6G of the discriminator and the Core Recognition Element (CRE) are colored violet. Shown for reference is the RNAP active site Mg2+ ion (yellow sphere).
See also Table S1 and Figures S1 – S4.