Screening context |
Other individual in room |
Yes |
10 (10) |
No |
88 (90) |
Screening content |
Currently concerned with IPV |
7 (7) |
Discussion topics |
Patient's concern about situation |
32 (33) |
Patient's emotional health |
20 (20) |
Patient's physical health |
11 (11) |
Safety assessment |
19 (19) |
Nature of abuse |
16 (16) |
Partner's substance abuse |
9 (9) |
Effects on relationships with friends/family |
9 (9) |
Effects on children |
5 (5) |
Number of guideline-concordant discussion topics used |
None |
29 (30) |
One |
42 (42) |
Multiple |
27 (28) |
Outcomes |
Provided information about resources |
22 (22) |
Validated patient's experience |
18 (18) |
Developed/discussed a safety plan |
14 (14) |
Prescribed medication |
14 (14) |
Scheduled follow-up |
14 (14) |
Scheduled mental health appointment |
5 (5) |
Provided information about IPV |
3 (3) |
Provided information for social or community services |
2 (2) |
Contacted law enforcement |
1 (1) |
Number of guideline-concordant responses offered |
None |
27 (28) |
One |
58 (59) |
Multiple |
13 (13) |
Patient perceptions |
Satisfaction in discussing IPV with provider |
Extremely satisfied |
28 (29) |
Very satisfied |
27 (28) |
Somewhat satisfied |
12 (12) |
Somewhat dissatisfied |
1 (1) |
Very dissatisfied |
0 (0) |
Comfort in discussing IPV with provider |
Extremely comfortable |
24 (25) |
Very comfortable |
26 (27) |
Somewhat comfortable |
9 (9) |
Somewhat uncomfortable |
5 (5) |
Very uncomfortable |
2 (2) |
Did not discuss IPV with provider (N = 155), but would have liked to |
10 (4) |