SUMO-GrB selectively triggers apoptosis of SENP1-overexpressing HEK293T cells. HEK293T cells were transiently transfected to co-express either TagBFP or TagBFP-T2A-SENP1 plus wild-type GrB, SUMO-GrB, or GrB S183A, which is an inactive GrB mutant. (a) Side scatter (SSC) vs. forward scatter (FSC) plot of transfected (TagBFP+) and 7-AAD– cell populations (see Figure 3—supplementary figure 2 for gating strategy). Marked reduction in FSC was observed among cells expressing wild-type GrB regardless of SENP1 presence, as well as among cells expressing SUMO-GrB specifically in the presence of SENP1. Plots shown are representative of two independent experiments, each with triplicate samples. (b) Quantification of the % viability among samples shown in (a), **p < 5E–4. All plotted values indicate the mean of triplicate samples and error bars represent ±1 s.d.