Figure 2.
Physical characterization of DH-G4-DBCO and DH-P-G4-PDBCO. Oscillatory amplitude sweep tests (A) and oscillatory frequency tests (B) of DHs as determined at weight ratio of PEG-BA/G4-DBCO=2.5/1 (DH-G4-DBCO) and PEG-BA/P-G4-PDBCO=1/1, 5/1 or 10/1 (DH-P-G4-PDBCO). (C) SEM images of DH-G4-DBCO and DH-P-G4-PDBCO with a microscopic network structure of the gel. (D) Apparent pore diameter of DH-G4-DBCO and DH-P-G4-PDBCO was quantified by Image J based on the SEM images.