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. 2017 Oct 23;5(12):e1208–e1220. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(17)30373-X

Table 3.

Regional and global estimates of coverage of needle and syringe programmes, opioid substitution therapy, and HIV testing for PWID

Estimated number of PWID (UI) Needle and syringe programmes
Opioid substitution therapy
HIV testing
Countries implementing (% ERPP) Countries with data (% ERPP) Needle-syringes per PWID per year (UI) Countries implementing (% ERPP) Countries with data (% ERPP) Clients per 100 PWID (UI) Clients per 100 primary opioid injectors (UI) Countries with data (% ERPP) Number of PWID receiving HIV tests per 100 PWID (UI)
Eastern Europe 3 020 000 (1 653 500–5 008 000) 17 (100%) 17 (100%) 15 (9–27) 16 (41%) 17 (100%) 1 (<1–2) 1 (1–3) 13 (98%) 15 (9–27)
Western Europe 1 009 500 (686 500–1 386 500) 29 (100%) 22 (26%) 166 (118–243) 30 (100%) 29 (100%) 64 (46–95) 94 (67–GTP) 7 (7%) 15 (11–22)
East and southeast Asia 3 989 000 (3 041 000–4 955 000) 10 (88%) 12 (92%) 16 (13–21) 9 (87%) 16 (100%) 8 (7–11) 9 (7–11) 3 (10%) 40 (33–53)
South Asia 1 023 500 (783 500–1 263 000) 6 (100%) 7 (85%) 43 (35–56) 6 (56%) 8 (93%) 82 (67–GTP) 91 (73–GTP) 4 (18%) 7 (6–10)
Central Asia 281 500 (189 500–416 500) 4 (92%) 5 (100%) 115 (78–172) 3 (58%) 5 (100%) 1 (<1–1) 1 (1–2) 3 (58%) 41 (28–61)
Caribbean 79 500 (53 000–118 000) 2 (63%) 6 (100%) 6 (4–8) 1 (35%) 5 (65%) 8 (6–13) 11 (7–18) 0 (0%) NK
Latin America 1 823 000 (1 392 000–2 380 000) 6 (75%) 13 (33%) 6 (5–8) 3 (21%) 17 (87%) 3 (2–4) 3 (3–5) 1 (8%) 2 (1–2)
North America 2 557 000 (1 498 500–4 428 000) 2 (100%) 2 (100%) 39 (22–66) 2 (100%) 2 (100%) 20 (11–34) 27 (16–61) 0 (0%) NK
Australasia 115 500 (83 000–148 000) 2 (100%) 2 (100%) 396 (309–550) 2 (100%) 2 (100%) 46 (36–64) 73 (56–GTP) 0 (0%) NK
Pacific Islands 22 500 (15 000–33 500) 0 (0%) 15 (100%) 0 (0–0) 0 (0%) 15 (100%) 0 (0–0) 0 (0–0) 0 (0%) NK
Middle East and north Africa 349 500 (177 500–521 500) 8 (36%) 21 (100%) 2 (1–4) 7 (33%) 19 (98%) 6 (4–12) 6 (4–11) 6 (41%) 2 (2–4)
Sub-Saharan Africa 1 378 000 (645 500–3 080 000) 7 (38%) 36 (100%) 2 (<1–4) 8 (37%) 31 (91%) 1 (<1–2) 1 (<1–4) 3 (31%) 1 (<1–3)
Global 15 648 000 (10 219 000–23 737 500) 93 (86%) 158 (82%) 33 (21–50) 87 (64%) 166 (97%) 16 (11–25) 19 (13–31) .. ..

Estimated number of people who inject drugs from Degenhardt and colleagues.1 Number of countries with data includes countries where injecting is confirmed to occur but intervention is known to not be implemented (ie, coverage estimate is zero); therefore number of countries with data for an intervention can exceed number of countries implementing an intervention. UI=uncertainty interval. PWID=people who inject drugs. NSP=needle and syringe programmes. OST=opioid substitution therapy. ERPP=estimated regional PWID population. GTP=estimate greater than parity. NK=not known.