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. 2017 Nov 7;13:2767–2779. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S150568

Table 1.

Clinical studies about PP3M

Study Aims Design, data sources and duration Sample features Main results
Ravenstijn et al59 To assess PP3M:
• PK
• Safety
• Tolerability
Design: OCT
• Phase I study
• Multicenter
• Randomized
• Open-label
• Parallel-group
Duration: from 12.2 to 18.2 months
328 patients aged 18–65 years
• Schizophrenia or schizoaffective
disorder (DSM-IV)
• PANSS total score of ≤70
• Substance dependence nor history of suicide attempt within 12 months
• History of NMS or TD
Safety and tolerability: similar to those of PP1M
PK: results support a once every 3 months dosing interval

Berwaerts et al60 To assess PP3M:
• Efficacy
• Safety
Design: RCT
PP3M vs placebo:
• Phase III study
• Multicenter
• Randomized
• Open-ended DB final phase
Duration of DB phase (median time):
• 5.6 months in the PP3M arm
• 4.9 months in the placebo arm
506 enrolled patients from 8 Western and Asian countries, aged 18–70 years, with:
• Schizophrenia (DSM-IV-TR) for at least 1 year before screening
• PANSS total score of ≤120 at screening
• Significant risk of suicidal behavior
• History of substance dependence within 6 months
• History of NMS or TD
305 patients randomized in the DB phase
Efficacy: compared with placebo PP3M significantly delayed time to relapse
Safety: profile consistent with other marketed paliperidone formulations

Savitz et al61 To test the non-inferiority of PP3M to PP1M Design: RCT
PP3M vs PP1M:
• Phase III study
• Multicenter
• DB final phase
• Parallel-group
• Non-inferiority design
Duration of the DB phase:
11.2 months
1,429 enrolled patients from 26 Western and Asian countries, aged 18–70 years,
Women: postmenopausal, surgically sterile, or adequate contraception
Men: adequate contraception
• Schizophrenia (DSM-IV)
• PANSS total score between 70 and 120
• Any unstable or significant medical or neurological illness
• Morbid obesity (BMI >40 kg/m2)
• Mental retardation
• Risk factors for prolonged QT interval, torsade de pointes, or sudden death
• History of intolerability, hypersensitivity, or lack of response to risperidone or paliperidone
1,016 patients entered the DB phase
842 patients completed the DB phase
PP3M was non-inferior to PP1M in:
• Relapse rates
• Changes in PANSS scores, CGI-S score and PSP score

Savitz et al62 To assess symptomatic and functional remission achieved following PP3M vs PP1M treatment Design: RCT
PP3M vs PP1M non-inferiority design
Data sources: Savitz et al study61
Duration: during DB phase, 11.2 months
The same as Savitz 2016 study61 • PP3M was non-inferior to PP1M in
• Symptomatic remission (Andreansen’s criteria)
• Functional remission (PSP)
During last 6 months of the DB phase

Katz et al63 To quantify Berwaerts et al60 or Savitz et al61 RCT participants’ and investigators’ judgments about paliperidone formulations and adherence Design: two discrete-choice experiment surveys:
• One for patients
• One for psychiatrists
Duration: cross-sectional study
438 English-speaking physicians who participate as investigators in Berwaerts et al60 and/or Savitz et al61 studies
214 English-speaking patients enrolled in Australia, Canada and the USA among the participants of Berwaerts et al60 and Savitz et al61 trials
Patients and physicians preferred LAIs over oral antipsychotics
Physicians showed a greater preference for 3-month over 1-month LAI antipsychotic

Chirila et al64 To compare occupational status and health care resource use between treatment groups (PP3M vs placebo and PP3M vs PP1M) in Berwaerts et al60 or Savitz et al61 trials Design: longitudinal survey
Data sources: Berwaerts et al60 and Savitz et al61 studies. Data deriving from these two RCTs were analyzed separately according to the design of the two original studies
Duration: the same of Berwaerts et al60 and Savitz et al61 studies
305 patients who were randomized in the DB phase in Berwaerts et al study60
842 patients who completed the DB phase in Savitz et al study61
Work: no difference observed (only a small number of patients changed their occupational status during the studies)
Hospitalization: higher rate in the placebo group, no difference between PP3M and PP1M

Gopal et al65 To evaluate caregiver burden in Berwaerts et al60 and Savitz et al61 RCTs Design: longitudinal survey, with a mirror image analysis from a post-hoc analysis of pooled data
Data sources: data derived from Berwaerts et al60 and Savitz et al61 studies
Duration: the same of Berwaerts et al60 and Savitz et al61 studies
1,496 caregivers of the patients who participate to Berwaerts et al60 and Savitz et al61 studies
Caregivers who had at least 1-hour contact with the patient per week
Both PP1M and PP3M may alleviate the caregiver burden
The mirror image analysis showed that switching from an oral antipsychotic to either PP1M or PP3M can significantly reduce caregiver burden

Weiden et al66 To evaluate the effect of OP, PP1M and PP3M on times to relapse following medication discontinuation Design and data sources:
• Data drawn from Kramer et al,67 Hough et al,68 and Berwaerts et al60 DB RCTs comparing three paliperidone formulations (OP, PP1M and PP3M) with placebo
• Post-hoc analysis of pooled data
• Survival analysis of schizophrenia relapse in each placebo arm Duration: the same of Kramer et al,67 Hough et al,68 and Berwaerts et al60 studies
101 patients who were randomized in the placebo arm during the DB phase of Kramer et al study67
203 patients who were randomized in the placebo arm during the DB phase of Hough et al study68
145 patients who were randomized in the placebo arm during the DB phase of Berwaerts et al study60
50% of patients who withdrew treatment from OP, PP1M or PP3M remained relapse free for ~2, 6, and 13 months, respectively
The relapse risk, in terms of hazard ratio, was 2.08-fold higher for patients discontinuing PP1M then for those discontinuing PP3M

Joshi et al69 To describe baseline characteristics and treatment patterns of patients with schizophrenia initiated on PP3M in a real-world setting Design:
• Observational retrospective longitudinal study
• Cohort study
• Index date: the date of the first approved claim for PP3M
Data sources: pharmacy and medical PP3M claims from May 2014 to September 2016 in the Symphony Health Solutions database
Duration: 12 months of continuous clinical activity prior to the index date
7,160 adult patients (100%) with at least one approved PP3M claim 5,362 patients (74.9%) had continuous clinical activity for at least 12 months prior to the index date
1,545 patients (21.6%) also had at least one schizophrenia diagnosis anytime during the study period and were included in the study (over all PP3M cohort)
1,063 patients (14.8%) had the dose transition done as labeled (per label PP3M cohort)
Patients initiated on PP3M demonstrated decreased health care resource utilization and increased adherence in quarters closer to PP3M initiation
These patients were persistent on their PP3M treatment

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CGI-S, Clinical Global Impression-Severity; DB, double blind; DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV; DSM-IV-TR, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV Text Revision; LAI, long-acting injectable; NMS, neuroleptic malignant syndrome; OCT, open-label clinical trial; OP, oral paliperidone; PANSS, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; PK, pharmacokinetics; PP1M, paliperidone palmitate 1-month; PP3M, paliperidone palmitate 3-month; PSP, Personal and Social Performance; RCT, randomized controlled trial; TD, tardive dyskinesia.