Fig. 3.
APOE4 is associated with increased expression of small molecules related to energy metabolism. Targeted metabolite profiling was performed on small-molecule metabolites extracted from the EC and PVC of aged APOE mice (14–15 months old; 8 APOE3/3, 9 APOE3/4, and 7 APOE4/4 males). a Scatter dot plots depicting metabolite abundance in the EC for five energy-related metabolites found to be upregulated (Mann–Whitney; malate, p = 0.037; citrate/isocitrate, p = 0.028; ATP, p = 0.049; fructose-6-phosphate, p = 0.011; carnitine, p = 0.021) in APOE4 EC (black lines represent mean values and SEM). b Schematic of the energy metabolism-related metabolites found to be dysregulation in APOE4 EC. (*p ≤ 0.05)