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. 2017 Oct 12;28(12):3315–3324. doi: 10.1007/s00198-017-4230-x

Table 1.

Average dietary calcium intake by country and study characteristics

Calcium intake (mg/day) Vitamin D statusa (nmol/L) Country Survey years Ages (years) Female (%) BMI (kg/m2) Calcium intake assessment N total Representativeb Female:male ratio Age analysesc SES analysesc
175 nd Nepal 2003 ≥ 20 62 19.4 FFQ and food record 317 No (local, small) 0.85
238 nd Uganda nd (pre-2011) nd d Recall 173 households No (local, children, small)
297 nd Colombia 2003 20–60 Food record 70 No (local, age, small)
313 > 75 Thailand nd (pre-2008) 20–85 22.4 Recall 436 No (local, small) 0.70
335 > 75 Gambia 2011–2013 ≥ 40 52 Food record 467 No (age, small) 0.78 Similar e
338 25–49 China 2002 2−101 d Recall 68,962 No (children) Rural (vs. urban) lower
342 nd Indonesia 1998 nd nd nd No (old)
345 > 75 Vietnam 2000 nd FFQ 4080 No (local)
358 nd Burkina Faso 2006 nd Recall 1005 households No (local)
384 f nd Ecuador 2012 19–60 Recall 10,592 No (age) 0.96
393 nd Cape Verde 2002 All d Food record 4824 households No (children)
399 25–49 Malaysia 2002–2003 18–59 52 Recall 6886 No (age) 0.99 Similar e Rural (vs. urban) lower
427 nd Argentina 2004–2005 18–49 100 nd 4819 No (age, women)
429 25–49 India 2011–2012 ≥ 18 50 Recall 306,329 Yes 0.83
440 nd Philippines 2003 Alld Food record 25,882 No (children)
444 nd Mali 2007 15–49 100 Recall 108 No (local, women, small)
458 nd Bolivia 2002 nd FFQ 5746 households Yes
462 nd Pakistan 2008 ≥ 18 100 23.8 Recall 200 No (local, women, small)
471 nd Tanzania 1987 35–74 Recall 173 No (local, age, small, old) Urban 0.91, rural 1.13 Older lower Rural (vs. urban) higher
479 25–49 South Africa 1983–2000 ≥ 15 Recall 3231 No (old) 0.65
483 25–49 South Korea 2010–2012 ≥ 19 50 Recall 15,603 Yes Food insufficient lower
487 nd Barbados 2000 ≥ 18 25.8 FFQ and recall 1739 Yes 0.89g Older higher
488 50–74 Norway 1994–1995 24–70 25.6 FFQ 18,914 No (age, old) 0.81
489 nd Guam nd (early 2000s) 18–83 Recall 400 No (small) 0.87
492 50–74 Israel 1999–2001 25–64 Recall 2782 No (age, old)
495 nd Egypt 2004 20–60 100h Recall 1090 No (age, women)
498 nd Myanmar 1998 nd nd nd No (old)
505 50–74 Brazil i 2009 20–59/≥ 60 25.5/nd Food record 21,003/4322 No (age) 0.89/0.95 Income groups similar
507 nd Palestine nd (pre-2012) 31–50 100 Recall 149 No (local, age, women, small)
529 nd Bangladesh 2011 All d 51 Unclear 31,066 No (children) 0.96 Rural (vs. urban) lower
533 50–74 Japan 2003–2007 18–74 Food record 22,712 No (age) 0.99
587 > 75 Taiwan 2005–2008 19–64 Recall 1942 No (age) 0.92
588 nd Botswana 2007 18–75 80 26.2 Recall 79 No (local, age, small)
607 nd Tonga 2005–2006 40–59 32.2 Recall 34 No (local, age, small) 0.76
616 nd Algeria 2009–2010 41–66 (71% of sample) 27.1 Recall 176 No (local, age, small) 1.18
636 nd Nigeria 2003–2004 ndd FFQ 13,142 households No (children) Rural (vs. urban) lower
664 nd Ethiopia 2005 ≥ 18 22.8 Recall 356 No (local, small) 0.75
672 nd Morocco 2004 ≥ 16 61 FFQ 691 No (local, small) Older lower
673 nd Hungary 2009 ≥ 19 FFQ 3077 Yes 0.93 Older lower
673 nd Costa Rica 1996–1998 20–65 50 Recall 60 No (age, small, old)
695 nd Kuwait 2008–2009 ≥ 19 55.3 Recall 1049 Yes 0.79 Similare
702 nd Chile i 2014/2012 ≥ 65/35–70 61/nd 27.4/29.1 FFQ 597/66 No (local, age, small)
728 50–74 Belgium 2004 ≥ 19 Recall nd Yes 0.88 Older lower
760 50–74 Cameroon 2001 nd nd 557 households No (local, small)
765 25–49 Italy 2005–2006 ≥ 18 25.4 Recall 2831 Yes 0.91 Older higher
773 25–49 Austria nd (pre-2004) ≥ 55 nd 641 No (age, small) 1.06
782 50–74 Czech Republic 2005 45–69 27.8 FFQ 7913 No (local, age) 1.16
787 50–74 Canada 2004 ≥ 19 Recall 35,107 Yes 0.86 Older lower
788 25–49 Russia 2005 45–69 26.5 FFQ 9098 No (local, age) 0.95
789 50–74 Spain 2002–2003 ≥ 19 Recall 1923 Yes 0.94 Older lower
794 nd Singapore 2010 18–69 50 FFQ 1647 No (age) 0.94 Older lower
805 50–74 Australia 2011–2012 ≥ 19 53 Recall 9338 Yes 0.86 Older lower
805 nd Mexico 2006 20–59 60 FFQ 15,746 No (age) 0.9 Urban vs. rural similar
807 25–49 New Zealand 2009 ≥ 19 27.6 Recall 4721 Yes 0.83g Older lower
830 25–49 Polandi 2002–2005/2010–2011 45–69/45–64 27.1/29.1 FFQ 9859/3862 No (local, age) 1.03/1.07 Rural (vs. urban) lower
837 nd Jamaica nd (pre-2000) 25–74 60 26.7 Recall 73 No (local, age, small, old)
838 nd Serbia 1998 and 2003 30–74 Food record 1305 No (age) younger 0.77, older 0.92 Older lower
856 25–49 Jordan 2012 ≥ 18 51 Recall 55 No (small)
859 25–49 Iran 2001 ≥ 40 Recall 1922 No (local, age) 0.91 Older lower
865 nd Latvia 1997 19–64 Recall 32 No (age, small, old)
877 50–74 France 2005–2007 18–79 Food record 1082 Yes Middle-age higher
923 nd Portugal 1999–2003 ≥ 19 FFQ 2974 Yes 1.09 Older lower
934 50–74 USA 2001–2010 ≥ 19 28.4 Recall 22,823 Yes
942 25–49 Greece 1992–2001 33–72 (95% of sample) 59 Recall 1982 No (age, old)
958 25–49 Denmark 2000–2004 18–75 Food record 4479 Yes 0.94 Older lower
965 nd Croatia nd (early 2000s) 18–55 71 23.3 FFQ 161 No (local, age, small) 0.82
992 >75 Sweden i 1997 49–83/45–79 100/0 24.7/25.7 FFQ 61,433/48,850 No (age, old) 0.85
994 50–74 UK 1992–2004 25–72 (95% of sample) 70 Recall 5885 No (age)
1067 50–74 Switzerland 2006–2012 35–74 50 25.1 FFQ 4307 No (local, age) 0.90
1068 25–49 Germany 2005–2007 ≥ 19 Recall 13,959 Yes 0.91 Older lower
1080 nd Ireland 2010 18–90 Food record 1499 Yes
1097f 25–49 Finland 2002 25–64 Recall 2007 No (age) 0.89
1102 50–74 Netherlands 2010 19–69 Recall 2100 No (age)
1233f 25–49 Iceland 2003 30–85 52 FFQ 944 No (local, age, small) Older higher

Table data are grouped according to emphasis (italics and normal text) by bands of average dietary calcium intake. See Electronic supplementary material—Appendix C for references

BMI body mass index, FFQ Food Frequency Questionnaire, N sample size, nd no data (not reported), SES socioeconomic status

aSerum/plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels country-level categorizations among adults. From Wahl et al. [3]

bWas the study nationally representative and current? Local = survey conducted in specific towns, cities, or regions; age = restricted by age range; children = children included; women = women only; small = sample size < 1000; old = surveys conducted before 2000

cDifferences in dietary calcium intake between different subgroups, by age or socioeconomic status; lower and higher refer to average calcium intake in noted subgroup. No assessment of statistical significance is implied

dIncludes children

eOr no pattern noted

fExplicitly included dietary supplements; however, most studies did not report whether supplement intake was included

gLess than 0.80 in younger age groups (18/19 to 29/30 years old)

hMothers only

iTwo complementary studies were included for these countries. Relevant data are reported for each study, separated by a forward slash, with the larger study reported first. Where only a single value is presented, the data were the same for both studies, except for calcium intake (which is an average across studies) and whether the studies are nationally representative (which is assessed across studies)