Table 1.
Calcium intake (mg/day) | Vitamin D statusa (nmol/L) | Country | Survey years | Ages (years) | Female (%) | BMI (kg/m2) | Calcium intake assessment | N total | Representativeb | Female:male ratio | Age analysesc | SES analysesc |
175 | nd | Nepal | 2003 | ≥ 20 | 62 | 19.4 | FFQ and food record | 317 | No (local, small) | 0.85 | ||
238 | nd | Uganda | nd (pre-2011) | nd d | Recall | 173 households | No (local, children, small) | |||||
297 | nd | Colombia | 2003 | 20–60 | Food record | 70 | No (local, age, small) | |||||
313 | > 75 | Thailand | nd (pre-2008) | 20–85 | 22.4 | Recall | 436 | No (local, small) | 0.70 | |||
335 | > 75 | Gambia | 2011–2013 | ≥ 40 | 52 | Food record | 467 | No (age, small) | 0.78 | Similar e | ||
338 | 25–49 | China | 2002 | 2−101 d | Recall | 68,962 | No (children) | Rural (vs. urban) lower | ||||
342 | nd | Indonesia | 1998 | nd | nd | nd | No (old) | |||||
345 | > 75 | Vietnam | 2000 | nd | FFQ | 4080 | No (local) | |||||
358 | nd | Burkina Faso | 2006 | nd | Recall | 1005 households | No (local) | |||||
384 f | nd | Ecuador | 2012 | 19–60 | Recall | 10,592 | No (age) | 0.96 | ||||
393 | nd | Cape Verde | 2002 | All d | Food record | 4824 households | No (children) | |||||
399 | 25–49 | Malaysia | 2002–2003 | 18–59 | 52 | Recall | 6886 | No (age) | 0.99 | Similar e | Rural (vs. urban) lower | |
427 | nd | Argentina | 2004–2005 | 18–49 | 100 | nd | 4819 | No (age, women) | ||||
429 | 25–49 | India | 2011–2012 | ≥ 18 | 50 | Recall | 306,329 | Yes | 0.83 | |||
440 | nd | Philippines | 2003 | Alld | Food record | 25,882 | No (children) | |||||
444 | nd | Mali | 2007 | 15–49 | 100 | Recall | 108 | No (local, women, small) | ||||
458 | nd | Bolivia | 2002 | nd | FFQ | 5746 households | Yes | |||||
462 | nd | Pakistan | 2008 | ≥ 18 | 100 | 23.8 | Recall | 200 | No (local, women, small) | |||
471 | nd | Tanzania | 1987 | 35–74 | Recall | 173 | No (local, age, small, old) | Urban 0.91, rural 1.13 | Older lower | Rural (vs. urban) higher | ||
479 | 25–49 | South Africa | 1983–2000 | ≥ 15 | Recall | 3231 | No (old) | 0.65 | ||||
483 | 25–49 | South Korea | 2010–2012 | ≥ 19 | 50 | Recall | 15,603 | Yes | Food insufficient lower | |||
487 | nd | Barbados | 2000 | ≥ 18 | 25.8 | FFQ and recall | 1739 | Yes | 0.89g | Older higher | ||
488 | 50–74 | Norway | 1994–1995 | 24–70 | 25.6 | FFQ | 18,914 | No (age, old) | 0.81 | |||
489 | nd | Guam | nd (early 2000s) | 18–83 | Recall | 400 | No (small) | 0.87 | ||||
492 | 50–74 | Israel | 1999–2001 | 25–64 | Recall | 2782 | No (age, old) | |||||
495 | nd | Egypt | 2004 | 20–60 | 100h | Recall | 1090 | No (age, women) | ||||
498 | nd | Myanmar | 1998 | nd | nd | nd | No (old) | |||||
505 | 50–74 | Brazil i | 2009 | 20–59/≥ 60 | 25.5/nd | Food record | 21,003/4322 | No (age) | 0.89/0.95 | Income groups similar | ||
507 | nd | Palestine | nd (pre-2012) | 31–50 | 100 | Recall | 149 | No (local, age, women, small) | ||||
529 | nd | Bangladesh | 2011 | All d | 51 | Unclear | 31,066 | No (children) | 0.96 | Rural (vs. urban) lower | ||
533 | 50–74 | Japan | 2003–2007 | 18–74 | Food record | 22,712 | No (age) | 0.99 | ||||
587 | > 75 | Taiwan | 2005–2008 | 19–64 | Recall | 1942 | No (age) | 0.92 | ||||
588 | nd | Botswana | 2007 | 18–75 | 80 | 26.2 | Recall | 79 | No (local, age, small) | |||
607 | nd | Tonga | 2005–2006 | 40–59 | 32.2 | Recall | 34 | No (local, age, small) | 0.76 | |||
616 | nd | Algeria | 2009–2010 | 41–66 (71% of sample) | 27.1 | Recall | 176 | No (local, age, small) | 1.18 | |||
636 | nd | Nigeria | 2003–2004 | ndd | FFQ | 13,142 households | No (children) | Rural (vs. urban) lower | ||||
664 | nd | Ethiopia | 2005 | ≥ 18 | 22.8 | Recall | 356 | No (local, small) | 0.75 | |||
672 | nd | Morocco | 2004 | ≥ 16 | 61 | FFQ | 691 | No (local, small) | Older lower | |||
673 | nd | Hungary | 2009 | ≥ 19 | FFQ | 3077 | Yes | 0.93 | Older lower | |||
673 | nd | Costa Rica | 1996–1998 | 20–65 | 50 | Recall | 60 | No (age, small, old) | ||||
695 | nd | Kuwait | 2008–2009 | ≥ 19 | 55.3 | Recall | 1049 | Yes | 0.79 | Similare | ||
702 | nd | Chile i | 2014/2012 | ≥ 65/35–70 | 61/nd | 27.4/29.1 | FFQ | 597/66 | No (local, age, small) | |||
728 | 50–74 | Belgium | 2004 | ≥ 19 | Recall | nd | Yes | 0.88 | Older lower | |||
760 | 50–74 | Cameroon | 2001 | nd | nd | 557 households | No (local, small) | |||||
765 | 25–49 | Italy | 2005–2006 | ≥ 18 | 25.4 | Recall | 2831 | Yes | 0.91 | Older higher | ||
773 | 25–49 | Austria | nd (pre-2004) | ≥ 55 | nd | 641 | No (age, small) | 1.06 | ||||
782 | 50–74 | Czech Republic | 2005 | 45–69 | 27.8 | FFQ | 7913 | No (local, age) | 1.16 | |||
787 | 50–74 | Canada | 2004 | ≥ 19 | Recall | 35,107 | Yes | 0.86 | Older lower | |||
788 | 25–49 | Russia | 2005 | 45–69 | 26.5 | FFQ | 9098 | No (local, age) | 0.95 | |||
789 | 50–74 | Spain | 2002–2003 | ≥ 19 | Recall | 1923 | Yes | 0.94 | Older lower | |||
794 | nd | Singapore | 2010 | 18–69 | 50 | FFQ | 1647 | No (age) | 0.94 | Older lower | ||
805 | 50–74 | Australia | 2011–2012 | ≥ 19 | 53 | Recall | 9338 | Yes | 0.86 | Older lower | ||
805 | nd | Mexico | 2006 | 20–59 | 60 | FFQ | 15,746 | No (age) | 0.9 | Urban vs. rural similar | ||
807 | 25–49 | New Zealand | 2009 | ≥ 19 | 27.6 | Recall | 4721 | Yes | 0.83g | Older lower | ||
830 | 25–49 | Polandi | 2002–2005/2010–2011 | 45–69/45–64 | 27.1/29.1 | FFQ | 9859/3862 | No (local, age) | 1.03/1.07 | Rural (vs. urban) lower | ||
837 | nd | Jamaica | nd (pre-2000) | 25–74 | 60 | 26.7 | Recall | 73 | No (local, age, small, old) | |||
838 | nd | Serbia | 1998 and 2003 | 30–74 | Food record | 1305 | No (age) | younger 0.77, older 0.92 | Older lower | |||
856 | 25–49 | Jordan | 2012 | ≥ 18 | 51 | Recall | 55 | No (small) | ||||
859 | 25–49 | Iran | 2001 | ≥ 40 | Recall | 1922 | No (local, age) | 0.91 | Older lower | |||
865 | nd | Latvia | 1997 | 19–64 | Recall | 32 | No (age, small, old) | |||||
877 | 50–74 | France | 2005–2007 | 18–79 | Food record | 1082 | Yes | Middle-age higher | ||||
923 | nd | Portugal | 1999–2003 | ≥ 19 | FFQ | 2974 | Yes | 1.09 | Older lower | |||
934 | 50–74 | USA | 2001–2010 | ≥ 19 | 28.4 | Recall | 22,823 | Yes | ||||
942 | 25–49 | Greece | 1992–2001 | 33–72 (95% of sample) | 59 | Recall | 1982 | No (age, old) | ||||
958 | 25–49 | Denmark | 2000–2004 | 18–75 | Food record | 4479 | Yes | 0.94 | Older lower | |||
965 | nd | Croatia | nd (early 2000s) | 18–55 | 71 | 23.3 | FFQ | 161 | No (local, age, small) | 0.82 | ||
992 | >75 | Sweden i | 1997 | 49–83/45–79 | 100/0 | 24.7/25.7 | FFQ | 61,433/48,850 | No (age, old) | 0.85 | ||
994 | 50–74 | UK | 1992–2004 | 25–72 (95% of sample) | 70 | Recall | 5885 | No (age) | ||||
1067 | 50–74 | Switzerland | 2006–2012 | 35–74 | 50 | 25.1 | FFQ | 4307 | No (local, age) | 0.90 | ||
1068 | 25–49 | Germany | 2005–2007 | ≥ 19 | Recall | 13,959 | Yes | 0.91 | Older lower | |||
1080 | nd | Ireland | 2010 | 18–90 | Food record | 1499 | Yes | |||||
1097f | 25–49 | Finland | 2002 | 25–64 | Recall | 2007 | No (age) | 0.89 | ||||
1102 | 50–74 | Netherlands | 2010 | 19–69 | Recall | 2100 | No (age) | |||||
1233f | 25–49 | Iceland | 2003 | 30–85 | 52 | FFQ | 944 | No (local, age, small) | Older higher |
Table data are grouped according to emphasis (italics and normal text) by bands of average dietary calcium intake. See Electronic supplementary material—Appendix C for references
BMI body mass index, FFQ Food Frequency Questionnaire, N sample size, nd no data (not reported), SES socioeconomic status
aSerum/plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels country-level categorizations among adults. From Wahl et al. [3]
bWas the study nationally representative and current? Local = survey conducted in specific towns, cities, or regions; age = restricted by age range; children = children included; women = women only; small = sample size < 1000; old = surveys conducted before 2000
cDifferences in dietary calcium intake between different subgroups, by age or socioeconomic status; lower and higher refer to average calcium intake in noted subgroup. No assessment of statistical significance is implied
dIncludes children
eOr no pattern noted
fExplicitly included dietary supplements; however, most studies did not report whether supplement intake was included
gLess than 0.80 in younger age groups (18/19 to 29/30 years old)
hMothers only
iTwo complementary studies were included for these countries. Relevant data are reported for each study, separated by a forward slash, with the larger study reported first. Where only a single value is presented, the data were the same for both studies, except for calcium intake (which is an average across studies) and whether the studies are nationally representative (which is assessed across studies)