Fig. 2.
The 2G sensor can discriminate between p53 WT and KO cells and sensitizes KO cells to GCV. a Schematic outline of the 2G sensor with HSV-TK as a primary output and cellular outcomes after GCV treatment in p53 WT and KO cells. b Representative immunofluorescence (IF) images of DAPI (top panel) and p53 antibody-stained (bottom panel) WT-2G and KO-2G cells. Scale bars depict 10 μm. c Comparison of relative HSV-TK expression between WT-2G and KO-2G cells on either mRNA level by qPCR (left) or on protein level by Western blot (right). Error bars depict SD of three independent experiments and Student’s two-tailed t-test values are given (***P < 0.001). The relative quantification of the HSV-TK band signals is provided. d Representative images of the two-color assay in which a mix of WT-2G (mCherry-tagged) and KO-2G (GFP-tagged) cells was either treated with 50 nM GCV or control (water) for indicated period of time. Scale bars represent 400 μm