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. 2017 May 25;2017:5491812. doi: 10.1155/2017/5491812

Table 4.

Description of psychotherapy and neuroimaging studies: predictors of therapeutic response.

Modality of psychotherapy Diagnosis Study (including design if not previously outlined) Predictors of response
CBT GAD Ball et al. (2014)
48 patients (25 GAD, 23 PD), all unmedicated
10 weekly sessions of CBT
Greater activation in hippocampus during maintenance of emotional response to negative images
Greater activation in anterior insula, superior temporal gyrus, supramarginal gyrus, and superior frontal gyrus during cognitive reappraisal
McClure et al. (2007) Pretreatment amygdala hyperactivity

CBT SAD Doehrmann et al. (2013) Greater pretreatment activation to angry versus neutral faces in portions of the occipitotemporal cortices
Klumpp et al. (2013) Increased pretreatment activity to threat in the superior and middle temporal gyri and in the IFG. Hyperactivation to fearful faces in dmPFC, OFC, and dACC
Klumpp et al. (2014)
21 patients (unmedicated except for 2 on bupropion)
12 weekly 60-minute sessions
Increased pretreatment activity (in the presence of emotional faces) in the dACC and dmPFC
Decreased pretreatment amygdala and mOFC activity during emotion processing
Klumpp et al. (2014)
21 patients (unmedicated except for 2 on bupropion)
12 weeks of CBT
Greater pretreatment bilateral amygdala-pgACC connectivity
Mansson et al. (2015)
fMRI/support vector machines (SVM)
26 patients (8 medicated)
13 weeks of Internet-delivered CBT
Pretreatment dACC activation and lower dACC-amygdala coupling during self-referential criticism task (92% balanced accuracy) predicted sustained response one year later

CBT PD/AG Lueken et al. (2013) Greater pretreatment coupling between ACC and amygdala
Reinecke et al. (2014)
14 unmedicated patients with PD
4 sessions of CBT
Increased pretreatment activation in bilateral insulae and left dlPFC during threat processing
Increased right hippocampus gray matter
Straube et al. (2014)
Nonresponse associated with heightened amygdala reactivity before and after treatment (informed by 5-HT1A rs6295 polymorphism G/G genotype)

CBT MDD Costafreda et al. (2009)
16 unmedicated patients
16 sessions of CBT
Response to treatment (gauged by response to sad faces) predicted by activity in the ACC, superior and middle frontal cortices, paracentral cortex, superior parietal cortex, precuneus, and cerebellum
Crowther et al. (2015)
20 unmedicated patients
Resting-state functional connectivity MRI
Average of 12 sessions of BATD
Pretreatment connectivity of the insula with the right medial temporal gyrus and between the left intraparietal sulcus and OFC
Fu et al. (2008) Pretreatment activity in the dACC comparable to healthy controls predicted response
Konarski et al. (2009)
7 unmedicated patients
16 sessions of CBT
Comparison group was on venlafaxine
Nonresponse associated with pretreatment hypermetabolism the interface of the pgACC and sgACC
Mackin et al. (2013)
22 patients (not receiving antidepressants)
12 weeks of CBT
Nonresponse associated with thinner bilateral PCC and parahippocampal cortex, left paracentral, cuneus, and insular cortices, and right mOFC and lateral occipital cortex
McGrath et al. (2014)
82 total patients (unmedicated prior to starting trial)
12–24 weeks of CBT and/or antidepressant (escitalopram) treatment
Nonresponse associated with pretreatment hyperactivity in the subcallosal cingulate and in the superior temporal sulcus
Ritchey et al. (2011) Increased pretreatment vmPFC and dlPFC activity predicted response. Parameter analyzed was response to pictures of different affective valence
Siegle et al. (2006)
14 unmedicated patients
16 sessions of CBT (12 weeks)
Response to treatment was predicted by low sgACC reactivity and high amygdala reactivity to negative words
Straub et al. (2015) Pretreatment sgACC hyperactivity to positive (versus negative) stimuli predicted response
Thompson et al. (2015)
60 patients (59 years and older; 44 completed study; 83% on at least one medication, though type not specified)
12 weeks of CBT
Decrease in activation in left inferior frontal triangle and right superior frontal gyrus
Increase in activation of right middle frontal gyrus and left superior frontal gyrus
Walsh et al. (2016)
33 unmedicated patients
Up to 15 BATD sessions (average of 11.67 weekly sessions)
During anticipation phase, response was associated with: greater caudate-dACC and caudate-rACC connectivity; greater right putamen-right OFC connectivity; decreased connectivity between right mPFC and dACC; and decreased connectivity between left putamen and the subcallosal cortex
Yoshimura et al. (2014) Pretreatment decreased activity in vACC during self-referential information processing

CBT PTSD Bryant et al. (2008) Pretreatment hyperactivity in amygdala, vACC, and dACC was associated with nonresponse
Falconer et al. (2013)
13 patients
(6 on stable doses of SSRIs)
8 weeks of CBT
Treatment response was predicted by higher pretreatment activation of frontostriatal networks (vlPFC, OFC, mPFC, and dorsal striatum) during inhibitory control tasks (this study employed Go/No-Go task)

Psychodynamic psychotherapy MDD Buchheim et al. (2012) Increased pretreatment activity in the sgACC may predict response
Roffman et al. (2014) Pretreatment right precuneus metabolism (significantly higher in treatment completers; correlated also with psychological mindedness)

Guided imagery MDD Huang et al. (2014) Increased pretreatment regional homogeneity within the dACC

EMDR PTSD Nardo et al. (2010)
20 patients (15 completed EMDR); unclear if patients were medicated or not (it was not an exclusion criterion)
Five 90-minute sessions
Decreased gray matter density in limbic and paralimbic cortices

Balanced accuracy is a mean of sensitivity and specificity.