Table 2.
Characteristics of Studies Reporting Different Rehabilitation Strategies After SCI.
Study (Year) Study Design | Demographics | Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria | Treatment Details | Baseline Patient Characteristics | Follow-up (% Followed) | Outcome Measures |
Dobkin (2006, 2007) Multicenter RCT Note: 2006 report includes primary outcomes at 6 months, 2007 report includes secondary outcomes at 3 months | N = 146 Mean age: NR Males: NR |
ASIA grade: At entry into study:
3 months after initiation of rehabilitation (80.1%) 6 months after initiation of rehabilitation (70.5%) |
Harvey (2011) Multicenter RCT | N = 32 Median age: 27 (IQR: 24-31) years Males: 93.8% (30/32) |
Intervention: Training unsupported sitting:
6-7 weeks (84.4%) |
Kohlmeyer (1996) RCT | N = 60 n = 44 Mean age: 38.8 years Males: 90.9% (40/44) |
Severity of injury:
6 weeks (73.3%) |
Lucareli (2011) RCT | N = 30 n = 24 Mean age: 31.5 years Male: 58.3% (14/24) |
Therapy for 2 times/week, 30 minutes/session, for 4 months Intervention: BWSTT:
ASIA grade
4 months (80%) |
Popovic (2011) RCT | N = 24 n = 21 Mean age: 43.3 (18-66) years Males: 76.2% (16/21) |
Therapy for 10 hours/week, for 8 weeks Intervention: FES:
Severity of injury:
8 weeks (87.5%) |
Abbreviations: AD, autonomic dysreflexia; ADL, activities of daily living; BWSTT, body weight–supported treadmill training; CI, confidence interval; CoE, class of evidence; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; COPM, Canadian Occupational Performance Measure; COT, conventional occupational therapy; EMG, electromyography; ES, electrical stimulation; FES, functional electrical stimulation; FIM, Functional Independence Measure; FIM-L, Functional Independence Measure Locomotor Score; IQR, interquartile range; LEMS, lower extremity motor score; LMN, lower motor neuron; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination; MVA, motor vehicle accident; NR, not reported; PROM, passive range of motion; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SCI, spinal cord injury; SCILT, Spinal Cord Injury Locomotor Trial; SCIM, spinal cord independence measure; TBWS, treadmill with body weight support; TRI-HFT, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute–Hand Function Test; UMN, upper motor neuron; WISCI, Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury.
ASIA grade (Dobkin 2006, 2007; Lucareli 2011): categorizes motor and sensory impairment in patients with SCI; (A) complete—no sensory or motor function is preserved in sacral segments S4-S5; (B) incomplete—sensory, but not motor, function is preserved below the neurologic level and extends through sacral segments S4-S5; (C) incomplete—motor function is preserved below the neurologic level, and most key muscles below the neurologic level have muscle grades less than 3; (D) incomplete—motor function is preserved below the neurologic level, and most key muscles below the neurologic level have muscle grades greater than or equal to 3; (E) normal—sensory and motor functions are normal.
FIM-L scale (Dobkin 2006, 2007): (1) = dependent, total physical assistance; (2) = maximum assistance, one helper to walk 50 feet and patient performs <50% of task; (3) = moderate assistance, one helper to walk 50 feet and patient performs 50%-75% of task; (4) = minimal assistance, one helper to walk at least 50 feet and patient performs >75% of task; (5) = supervision, no contact by helper to walk at least 50 feet; (6) = independent with equipment to walk at least 150 feet in a reasonable time; (7) = independent to walk >150 feet without assistive devices in a reasonable time.
Function score (Kohlmeyer 1996): A score of (0) = unable to perform, (1) = able to perform but not functional, and (2) = able to perform functionally is assigned for each of the following tasks: (1) feeds self without use of wrist support (may use utensil cuff); (2) picks up light finger foods (popcorn, chips); (3) picks up moderate weight finger foods (cookie, half sandwich): (4) picks up and drinks from a 12-oz soda can.
Manual muscle tests (Kohlmeyer 1996): Muscles were graded based on the following scoring system: (0) = no palpation or movement; (1) = palpable (must palpate at least 3 times); (2) = moves less than ½ available range when gravity eliminated; (3) = moves more than ½ available range when gravity eliminated; (4) = moves to neutral against gravity; (5) = moves full range against gravity but takes no resistance; (6) = moves full range against gravity and takes slight resistance; (7) = moves full range against gravity and takes good resistance (can still break); (8) = moves full range against gravity and you cannot break hold; NOT TESTED = used when an extremity was not tested.
SCIM Self-Care Score (Popovic 2011): Includes feeding, bathing, dressing, and grooming, and is scored from 0 to 20.
TRI-HFT (Popovic 2011): Evaluates gross motor function of unilateral grasp, power grasp, lateral pitch, and precision grip, as well as strength of power and lateral grasps. Scored on a scale of 0 to 7: (0) = no movement elicited; that is, the subject is unable to reach for the object; (1) = the subject is able to reach for the object but unable to grasp the object; (2) = the subject is able to reach and grasp (using passive grasp) but unable to lift the object successfully off the supporting surface; (3) = the subject is able to reach and grasp (using active grasp) but unable to lift the object successfully off the supporting surface; (4) = the subject is able to reach, grasp, and lift the object (using passive grasp) but unable to manipulate the object; (5) = the subject is able to reach, grasp, and lift the object (using active grasp) but unable to manipulate the object; (6) = the subject is able to reach, grasp, lift, and manipulate the object (using passive grasp) appropriately; (7) = the subject is able to reach, grasp, lift, and manipulate the object (using active grasp) appropriately.
a Definition of unsupported sitting (Harvey 2011): 5/7 or less on the unsupported sitting item of the Clinical Outcomes Variable Scale, cited in Campbell et al (2003).
b Unsupported sitting therapy consisted of 84 potential exercises involving movement of the upper body over and outside the base of support (with 3 grades of difficulty = 252 exercises). Developed by Boswell-Ruys et al (2010), written on cards and chosen arbitrarily by the patient during each session.
c Standard physiotherapy and occupational therapy which included training for transfers, wheelchair skills, dressing, and showering.
d Conventional physiotherapy consisted of the following: (1) passive stretching for 30 seconds for all muscle groups of the lower limbs, taking around 8 minutes in total, (2) passive mobilization of the hip, knee and ankle joints for 5 minutes, and (3) overground gait training conducted and supervised by a physiotherapist (verbal commands and manual contact for correction of movements). When necessary, the parallel bars were used to ensure the safety of the patient. All of the patient’s weight was placed on the floor, and the upper limbs were used as supports on the parallel bars when necessary.
e There were discrepancies in the initial ASIA scores summarized in the authors' demographic table (Lucareli, 2011).