FIG. 2.
Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) and α values. RBE values at 10% (RBE0.1) survival of protons and C ions and α values of all radiation types examined were calculated according to LQ model. Panel A: RBE0.1 values of protons (●) and C ions (■) in wild-type V79 and AA8; HR-deficient irs1 and irs1SF; and NHEJ-deficient XR1 and V3 cell lines. Panel B: α values of γ rays (▼), protons (●) and C ions (■) in wild-type V79 and AA8 cells, HR-deficient irs1 and irs1SF and NHEJ-deficient XR1 and V3 cells. Student’s t test: ##P < 0.01, #P <0.05 compared with wild-type and repair-deficient cells; **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05 compared with C ions. Error bars represent SD.