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. 2017 Jan 18;90(1070):20160642. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20160642

Table 3.

Studies who have applied texture analysis in the context of radiotherapy

Radiotherapic aim District Imaging modalities Treatment type References (first author, year)
Radiation targeting in RT planning Head and neck PET/CT IMRT Yu et al, 200972,73
Prostate CT IMRT Nailon et al, 200829
Tumour response to treatment Lung PET SABR Pyka et al, 201582
PET CRT Cook et al, 201383
CT SABR Huynh et al, 201685; Mattonen et al, 201479; Mattonen et al, 201580; Mattonen et al, 201681;
CT CRT Coroller et al, 201684
Oesophagus PET CRT Tixier et al, 201186; Nakajo et al, 201687; Yip, et al 201637
CT CRT Yip et al, 201488
Head and neck PET CRT El Naqa et al, 200989
mp-MRI CRT Liu et al, 201690; Scalco et al, 201691
DCE-MRI IMRT Jansen et al, 201663
Prostate T2w-MRI EBRT Gnep et al, 201694
Rectum PET CRT Bundschuh et al, 201495
T2w-MRI CRT De Cecco et al, 201596
mp-MRI CRT Nie et al, 201697
Brain MRI SRT Nardone et al, 201699
Soft-tissue sarcoma CT CRT Tian et al, 201598
Radiation-induced effects on normal tissue Lung CT SBRT Mattonen et al, 201479; Mattonen et al, 201580;
CT Oesophageal RT Cunliffe et al, 2015100
Parotid glands Ultrasound Head–neck RT Yang et al, 2012101
CT IMRT Scalco et al, 2013102; Scalco et al, 2015104; Pota et al, 2015103

CRT, chemoradiotherapy; DCE-MRI, dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI; EBRT, external beam radiotherapy; IMRT, intensity-modulated radiotherapy; mp-MRI, multiparametric MRI; PET, positron emission tomography; RT, radiotherapy; SABR, stereotactic ablative radiation therapy; SRT, stereotactic radiotherapy; T2w, T2 weighted.