Figure 3.
Representative dose–volume histograms (DVHs) of a clinically appropriate spine stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) case to use the ViewRay™ system (ViewRay inc., Cleveland, OH) (Patient 2) as well as a clinically inappropriate case to use the ViewRay system (Patient 20) to perform spine SABR are shown. The DVHs of Patient 2 (a) are shown for the target volume (black line), spinal cord (dark grey line) and body (grey line). The DVHs of Patient 20 (b) are also shown for the target volume (black line), spinal cord (dark grey line) and body (grey line). The DVHs of the volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) plans are shown with solid lines while those of the tri-Co-60 intensity-modulated radiation therapy plans are shown with dashed lines. CTV, clinical target volume.