(Top) Front and rear depictions of the ExoMars rover ALD housing MicrOmega, RLS, MOMA, and the SPDS. (Middle) The UCZ envelops the entire sample-handling path and is sealed at positive pressure until open on Mars. (Bottom) SPDS mechanisms: The sample is deposited in the CSTM and, after being imaged with CLUPI and PanCam, is retracted into the ALD. The rock CS crushes the sample and discharges the resulting particulate matter into a DS. The DS pays out the necessary amount of sample material onto the refillable container or into a MOMA oven, as necessary. ALD, analytical laboratory drawer; CLUPI, close-up imager; CS, crushing station; CSTM, core sample transport mechanism; DS, dosing station; MOMA, Mars organic molecule analyzer; SPDS, sample preparation and distribution system; UCZ, ultra clean zone.