A. Fluorescent images of brain slices from mice injected with active WT-Cre virus (A) into the DMT (Co-ordinates: ML = ± 0.32; AP = -1.2; DV = 3.7, Magnification X40). B, C. Schematic figures from the Allen mouse brain atlas [24] depicting the viral spread (Image credit: Allen Institute). Reprinted from the Allen mouse brain atlas under a CC BY license, with permission from the Allen Institute, original copyright 2008. D. EC50s for ISO and HAL for the active (n = 6, black bars) and sham (n = 6, grey bars) virus injected mice in the LORR assay. E. EC50s for ISO and HAL for the active (n = 6, black bars) and sham (n = 6, grey bars) virus injected mice in the TC assay. Scale bar: 1mm. *** indicates p-values <0.001.