Significant individual (CH, DE, YP, RA, SH, and EX) and group (GC and UN) characteristics that affect the 3 subscales of resilience.
Explanation of variable codes: GC1, generation X compared with boomers II; GC2, millennial compared with boomers II; GC3, postwar/boomers I compared with boomers II; CH, children; DE1, associate degree in nursing or diploma compared with bachelor of science degree in nursing (BSN); DE2, master’s degree or higher compared with BSN; YP, years practicing; RA1, >2 patients per nurse compared with ≤ 2 patients per nurse; SH1, night shift compared with day shift; UN1, cardiac intensive care unit (ICU) compared with medical ICU; UN2, surgical ICU compared with medical ICU; UN3, cardiothoracic surgery ICU compared with medical ICU; UN4, other ICUs compared with medical ICU; EX, exercise.