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. 2017 Nov 10;11:527. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00527

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Results of kernel k-means clustering for electrode Fp1 (Gaussian kernel; σ = 26). (A) Three-dimensional visualization of the final clusters from kernel k-means. Each point in the scatter plot corresponds to the total normalized power (area under the PSD) in the delta, alpha, and gamma bands for a single 4 s window. (B) The pie charts show the contribution of each headset type to the PSD clusters. To the right, the last pie chart shows the overall distribution of the PSDs for each headset type. (C) The mean of the PSDs for each headset type is shown below each cluster's pie chart, along with the 5th and 95th percentiles as shaded regions. The PSDs from headset M32-A were excluded from visualization because they contain a prominent peak at 30 Hz from unknown source, not representative of the PSDs from headsets M32-B, M32-C, and M32-D. (C) Distribution of gender and condition information for the PDSs grouped in each cluster. *Indicates most aesthetically pleasing and **indicates most emotionally stimulating as reported in the questionnaire.