Figure 3.
Two kinds of antifungal substances produced by the C. minitans mutant ZS-1TN1812. (A,B) Antifungal substances that inhibit S. sclerotiorum were thermo-tolerant and protease-tolerant, suggesting the antifungal substances were not proteinous substances. (C,D) Antifungal substances that inhibit C. higginsianum were thermo-sensitive and protease-sensitive, suggesting that the antifungal substances to C. higginsianum were proteinous substances. Non-treated filtrates of ZS-1TN1812 fully suppressed the hyphal growth of both S. sclerotiorum and C. higginsianum. Bars indicate standard error. Means followed by the different letters on the top of each column are significantly different at the P < 0.05 level of confidence according to Duncan's multiple range test.