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. 2017 Nov 14;7:15500. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-15757-z

Table 1.

Characteristic of the included studies.

Cancer type Study Country Case Age median Test method location Cut-off value Follow-up time (range) months Outcome endpoints NOS
Prostate cancer Kristiansen et al.17 Germany 91 63 IHC tumour Positive:weak & intermediate & strong 30.5(2–84) DFS 8
Negative:complete absence of immunoreactivity
Breast cancer Fritzsche et al.20 Germany 155 59 IHC tumour Positive (score = 1–12) 75(1–162) OS,DFS 8
Negative(score = 0) (Range of 0–12)
Breast cancer Innes et al.21 UK 225 64 IHC tumour Positive: ≥ 1% carcinoma cells stained 85.9(0.1–212) OS 8
Negative: < 1% carcinoma cells stained
Lung cancer Fritzsche et al.9 Germany 77 62 IHC tumour Positive: score1&2 23(0–92) DSS 8
Negative:score 0 (Range of 0–2)
Prostate cancer Zhang et al.22 UK 65 73 IHC tumour Positive: (2–16) NA OS 7
Negative:(1) (Range of 1–16)
Breast cancer Wu et al.23 China 72 50 IHC tumour Positive:stained in the cytoplasm, yellow or brown particles 60(8–64) OS 8
Negative:complete absence
Breast cancer Barraclough et al.14 UK 315 57 IHC tumour Positive: ≥ 1% carcinoma cells stained 192(168–240) OS 8
Negative: < 1% carcinoma cells stained
Breast cancer Hrstka et al.24 Czech Republic 78 NA QRT-PCR tumour High: > the mean expression levels 48 DFS 7
Low: ≤ the mean expression levels
Lung cancer Chung et al.25 Japan 111 68 ELISA serum Positive: > 2.6ng/ml 36(4–77) OS,DFS 8
Negative: < 2.6ng/ml
Lung cancer Chung et al.27 Japan 212 67 IHC tumour Positive: > 50% carcinoma cells stained 24(3–61) DSS 8
Negative: < 1% carcinoma cells stained
Breast cancer Rudland et al.26 UK 137 60.3 IHC tumour Positive: ≥ 1% carcinoma cells stained 192(168–240) OS 8
Negative: < 1% carcinoma cells stained
Colorectal Cancer Valladares-Ayerbes et al.29, Spain 54 62.7 QRT-PCR serum High: > the mean expression levels 58(17–84) OS,PFS 8
Low: ≤ the mean expression levels
Ovarian cancer Darb-Esfahani et al.28, Germany 124 NA IHC tumour High: > 50% carcinoma cells stained 45 (2.5–162.3) OS,PFS 8
Low: ≤ 50% carcinoma cells stained
Ovarian cancer Armes et al.18, Australia 59 NA IHC tumour Positive: > 50% carcinoma cells stained NA DFS 7
Negative: ≤ 50% carcinoma cells stained
Breast Cancer Hrstka et al.24, Czech Republic 61 79 QRT-PCR tumour High: > the mean expression levels NA OS,PFS 8
Low: ≤ the mean expression levels
Colorectal Cancer Riener et al.19, Germany 432 72 IHC tumour High:score 2 or 3 42 (1–153) OS 9
Low:score 0 or 1 (Range of 0–3)
Lung cancer Alavi et al.15, USA 155 NA IHC tumour High: > the mean expression levels NA OS 7
Low: ≤ the mean expression levels
Breast Cancer Hrstka et al.16, Czech Republic 234 NA IHC tumour High: > the mean expression levels NA RFS 7
Low: ≤ the mean expression levels
Breast Cancer Lacambra et al.31, Singapore 400 53.9 IHC tumour Positive: ≥ 5% of cells with strong to moderate cytoplasmic staining 61.3 (3–210) DFS 8
Negative: < 5% of cells with strong to moderate cytoplasmic staining
Gastric cancer Zhang et al.22, China 228 NA IHC tumour High:the product of the staining intensity and proportion of stained tumor cells scores ≥ 4 NA OS 7
Low:the product of the staining intensity and proportion of stained tumor cells scores ≤ 3

Abbreviations: NA: not available; IHC: Immunohistochemistry; QRT-PCR: Quantitative Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction; NOS: Newcastle-Ottawa Scale; OS: overall survival; DSS: disease specific survival; DFS: disease free survival; RFS: recurrence free surviv.