Figure 1.
Analysis of the systemin treatment on tomato plants. Relative gene expression by real-time PCR of genes involved in the wounding response of tomato, lipooxygenase C (LoxC) and allene oxide synthase (AOS) following elicitation with the systemin peptide. Quantities are shown relative to the calibrator control condition, set as 1 (untreated plants). Wounding: tomato leaves six hour following mechanical wounding; Sys application: leaves after application (24 h) of the systemin peptide (S1, Table 1); Prosys overexpressing: leaves from transgenic plants constitutively expressing the prosystemin cDNA (S2, Table 1); S. littoralis feeding: leaves following one hour of Spodoptera littoralis feeding (S3, Table 1). For each experimental condition asterisks indicate statistically significant differences compared to control condition (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; t-test).