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. 2017 Nov 14;7:15566. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-15501-7

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Analyzing the secretome of adrenergically stimulated eAT. Enrichment terms (a) identified by Metascape upon analysis of 48 secreted proteins that were differentially regulated in the Iso-CM relative to Ctl-CM. Description of the genes included in the two most significantly altered GO terms and their fold change in Iso-CM relative to Ctl-CM (b). Relationships among these enrichment terms displayed as a network (Metascape). Each term is represented by a circle node, where its size is proportional to the number of input genes falling into that term, and its color representing its cluster identity (i.e., nodes of the same color belong to the same cluster). Terms with a similarity score > 0.3 are linked by an edge (the thickness of the edge represents the similarity score). The network is visualized with Cytoscape (v3.1.2) with “force-directed” layout and with edge bundled for clarity. One term from each cluster is selected to have its term description shown as label (e). Icam1 (c) and Vcam1 (d) gene expression in primary cardiac endothelial cells upon treatment with Ctl- or Iso-CM (n = 4). Data represents mean ± SEM. Significance of difference was determined by unpaired t-tests. *Represents P ≤ 0.05, ***represents P ≤ 0.001. CM, conditioned media; Iso, isoproterenol; Ctl, control.