Ask1 deficiency in multiple cell types other than myeloblasts attenuates tumor lung metastasis. (a) Luciferase activity of lung lysates of bone marrow chimeric mice 7 days after i.v. injection of 3LL-Luc2 cells (Wt-Wt mice: n=14, Wt-Ask1−/− mice: n=12, Ask1−/−-Wt mice: n=14, Ask1−/−-Ask1−/− mice: n=16). (b–d) Western blot of peritoneal macrophages (b), platelets (c) and lungs (d) of Wt, Ask1F/F and Lysm-cre; Ask1F/F mice (n=2 each). (e and f) Luciferase activity of lung lysates 14 days after i.v. injection of B16F10-luc-G5 cells (e) and 3LL-Luc2 cells (f). (e) Ask1F/F mice: n=7, Lysm-cre; Ask1F/F mice: n=8, (f) Ask1F/F mice: n=10, Lysm-cre; Ask1F/F mice: n=14. The data are shown as the mean±s.e.m. **P<0.01; *P<0.05; NS, nonsignificant. One-way ANOVA followed by Ryan’s method (a) and unpaired Student’s t-tests (e and f)