Figure 2.
Effects of VLCD-induced weight loss on subcutaneous adipose tissue. Biopsy specimens were obtained before and after weight loss and subjected to CD68 immunohistochemistry and RNA sequencing. (a) Subcutaneous adipose tissue images from the subject with the largest increase in CLSs after weight loss are shown. (Top panel) preWL. (Bottom panel) postWL. (b) Line plot of CLS density (CLS/cm2) shown from preWL to postWL in each individual subject (P = 0.01). (c) Heat map for 61 genes whose expression changed significantly from preWL to postWL. Subjects (columns) are arranged from preWL to postWL. Genes (rows) are clustered hierarchically in a supervised manner. (d) Heat map of expression of 17 lipid metabolism gene pathways altered significantly between preWL and postWL. postWL, after weight loss; preWL, before weight loss.