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. 2017 Oct 30;2017(10):CD006491. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006491.pub4

8. Mefloquine versus doxycycline; characteristics of included studies for safety.

Study ID Participants Number enrolled Method of adverse event monitoring Significant exclusions for psychiatric adverse effects Duration of travel Source of funding
Randomized controlled trials
Arthur 1990 USA soldiers 270 Blood tests, stool samples. Interview with study personnel None 5 weeks Not mentioned
Ohrt 1997 Indonesian soldiers 204 Interview with study personnel. Exit questionnaire " History of underlying illness" 13 weeks Pfizer and Roche
Schlagenhauf 2003 Non‐immune adult short‐term travellers 674 Participant self‐reported questionnaire History of seizures or psychiatric disorders 4 to 6 weeks GlaxoSmithKline and Roche
Weiss 1995 Kenyan children 169 Interview with study personnel None 4 months Government funding
Non‐randomized studies
  Participants Number enrolled Method of adverse event monitoring Factors influencing drug allocation Duration of travel Source of funding
Cunningham 2014 UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office staff 327 Participant self‐reported questionnaire Allocation based on guidelines and participant preference 0 to 36 months Not mentioned
Eick‐Cost 2017 USA s oldiers 367,840 Data from the Defense Medical Surveillance System, the Pharmacy Data Transaction Service and the Theater Medical Data Store No information available Various, not specified Not mentioned
Goodyer 2011 UK adult short‐term travellers 185 Participant self‐reported questionnaire Allocation based on guidelines and participant preference < 28 days GlaxoSmithKline
Korhonen 2007 Peace Corps volunteers 2701 Participant self‐reported questionnaire Allocation based on guidelines and participan t preference ≥ 6 months Two staff employed by Peace Corps
Landman 2015 Peace Corps volunteers 1184 Participant self‐reported questionnaire Allocation based on guidelines and participant preference Various, not specified Not mentioned
Laver 2001 Adult short‐term travellers 660 Participant self‐reported questionnaire No information available 93% < 4 weeks " No financial interests to disclose"
Lobel 2001 Adult short‐term travellers 5626 Participant self‐reported questionnaire No information available < 5 weeks " No financial interests to disclose"
Meier 2004 UK adults enrolled in UK g eneral p ractice research database 35,370 Incident cases of depression, psychoses and panic attacks within the UK general practice research database No information available Various, not specified Roche
Napoletano 2007 Italian short‐term travellers 1906 Telephone interview Allocation based on guidelines and participant preference Mean 2 weeks, range 0 to > 35 days Not mentioned
Philips 1996 Australian short‐term travellers 741 Participant self‐reported questionnaire Allocation based on guidelines and participant preference Various, mean 3 weeks, maximum 3 months Roche and Pfizer
Saunders 2015 USA soldiers 2351 Participant self‐reported questionnaire Primarily doxycycline, soldiers with contra‐indications received mefloquine > 90% for 10 months or more Not mentioned
Schwartz 1999 Israeli short‐term travellers 158 Participant self‐reported questionnaire "... daily doxycycline or daily primaquine... was recommended" 14 to 20 days Not mentioned
Shamiss 1996 Israeli soldiers 45 Participant self‐reported questionnaire Allocation based on guidelines and participant preference "... an average of 4 hours stay in the field over a period of 2 months" Not mentioned
Sharafeldin 2010 Dutch medical students 180 Participant self‐reported questionnaire Allocation based on guidelines and participant preference Mean 74 days (range 10 to 224 days) No dedicated funding
Sonmez 2005 Turkish soldiers 1400 Participant self‐reported questionnaire Prior to March 2002: doxycyline
After July 2002: mefloquine
A pprox. 6 months Not mentioned
Stoney 2016 USA short‐term travellers 370 Participant self‐reported questionnaire Allocation based on guidelines and participant preference Median duration 13 days Government funding
Tan 2017 Peace Corps volunteers 8931 Participant self‐reported questionnaire No information available Various, not specified No dedicated funding
Terrell 2015 UK soldiers 2032 Participant self‐reported questionnaire Allocation based on guidelines and participant preference Median duration 13 days "... not funded by an external body"
Tuck 2016 UK soldiers 151 Participant self‐reported questionnaire Allocation based on guidelines and participant preference Various, not specified No dedicated funding
Waner 1999 Adult short‐term travellers 3051 Participant self‐reported questionnaire No information available A pprox. 6 weeks Not mentioned