FIG 5.
IFNAR loss from CD11c+ cells impairs MuHV-4 control in lymphoid rather than epithelial sites. (a) CD11c-cre × flox-IFNAR, lysM-cre × flox-IFNAR, and cre− flox-IFNAR mice were given MuHV-4 i.n. at either 104 PFU in 30 μl under anesthesia (lung infection) or 105 PFU in 5 μl without anesthesia (nose infection). For complete IFNAR blockade, cre− flox-IFNAR mice were given anti-IFNAR treatment. At day 6, organs were assayed for infectious virus by a plaque assay (lungs and noses) or by an infectious-center assay to also detect reactivatable latent virus (SCLN, MLN, and spleens). Bars show mean titers ± standard errors of the means for 5 mice per group. Significant differences between groups are shown. (b) Cre+ mice or cre− littermate controls were infected i.n. with MuHV-4 (105 PFU in 5 μl without anesthesia). Noses at day 3 and SCLN at day 17 were assayed for infection by quantitative PCR of viral DNA. Signals were normalized by the cellular DNA load, assayed in parallel for each sample. Circles show data for individual mice. Horizontal bars show means. Significant differences are shown.