Dynein-based sliding of MTs: analytical solutions with input parameters from Table 1. (A) MT sliding velocity v as a function of MT length L, based on the positive root of Eq. 18 for several values of the dynein attachment ratio don/doff. (B) Steady-state dynein attachment density, Nd/L, as a function of MT length L corresponding to the velocity plots in A. (C) MT sliding velocity as a function of dynein attachment ratio don/doff, in the limit that sliding-based dissocation is negligible (L ≪ 2vfd / doff ≈ 19 μm; Eq. 20). (D) Steady-state dynein attachment density, Nd/L, as a function of attachment ratio don/doff in the limit that sliding-based dissociation is negligible (Eq. 19).