(A to C) Components of the aging composite scores, including brachial pulse pressure (A), e′ velocity (B), and carotid IMT (C) as a function age in Amish participants by genotype status for SERPINE1 null allele. (D to F) Composite scores of cardiovascular, cardiometabolic, and comprehensive biological aging in SERPINE1 null allele carriers and noncarriers in the Berne Amish kindred. Several cardiovascular measures that correlated strongly with chronological age with absolute correlation coefficients (|R|) greater than 0.60 (P < 0.0001) were identified. Pulse pressure [PP = 34.7 + 0.39 (age in years)] and carotid IMT [0.32 + 0.01 (age in years)] increased with age. e′ velocity [e′ = 20.3 − 0.2 (age in years)] decreased with age, as expected. These measures of vascular structure and stiffness and myocardial health were then standardized to have mean = 0 and SD = 1 (z scores) and were integrated into composite score 1 (cardiovascular age composed of brachial pulse pressure, e′ velocity, and carotid IMT), composite score 2 (cardiometabolic age composed of score 1 plus fasting insulin), and composite score 3 (comprehensive biological age composed of score 2 and LTL). Z scores were coded so that higher values corresponded to older levels of the measures of biological aging; that is, The z scores for LTL and e′ velocity, which decline with age, were reverse-coded so that higher z scores corresponded to lower levels [**P value represents difference in components and composite scores of aging by SERPINE1 mutation status (carriers versus noncarriers) after adjustment for age, sex, and family structure in SOLAR].