Figure 3.
Kikuchi patterns from Electron Backscatter Diffraction of selected phases in S1235. (a) d-QC displaying the 10-fold zone axis. The pattern is clearly distinct from the 5-fold zone axes observed in icosahedral quasicrystals by Asimow et al.9. (b) Unindexed pattern of cubic phase. Note the faint superposed double-band running from upper-left to lower-center. (c) Indexing of pattern from (b) as Pm m B2 (CsCl) structured cubic phase, with the green band representing the (111) plane highlighted as the narrow member of the double-band. (d) Attempt to index pattern from (b) as Im m A2 (bcc) structure, with the red band representing the (222) plane; note that (111) is forbidden in this structure. Hence the EBSD result favors the B2 structure for this phase. (e) EBSD pattern of Al9Ni2 phase. (f) Indexing of pattern (e) as monoclinic space group 14.