Figure 9.
(a) Projection of the volume of (e/a)-constant stability criteria from five-component Al-Cu-Fe-Cr-Ni space to the ternary Al-Cu-Fe diagram. The planes represent the amount of Ni (alone), Cr (alone), or Ni + Cr in a 3:1 ratio needed in order to have a stable icosahedral quasicrystal. The color shows the atomic fraction of Cr + Ni (Based on ternplot by C. Sandrock). (b) The location of experimental and predicted icosahedral quasicrystals in the Al-Cu-Fe-Cr-Ni system, projected onto the Al-Cu-Fe ternary. Features shown include (e/a)-constant for ternary Al-Cu-Fe (thick dark blue), (e/a)-constant for the atomic fractions of Cr and Ni in this study (thin blue), various cluster lines, Al63Cu24Fe13 icosahedrite (dark blue circle), new compositions from this study (diamonds), new compositions from Asimow et al. (2016) (triangles), the 4-cluster hyperplane solution (red square), and the estimated stability region for five-component quasicrystals given by (e/a) and size constraints (contoured surface, colors indicate atomic fraction of Cr + Ni).