Learned value function (expectation) in [0,1] at time step t where and m stands for magnitude valuation of the stimulus, o stands for omission probability valuation of the stimulus. This is visualized in the nodes in the Critic in Fig. 8
Gives the parameter (Critic weights) indexed by e that valuate the stimuli at each time step t. These weights are denoted by (1) on Fig. 8
Is the prediction error generated by Critic that updates the parameters of the magnitude Critic |
Is the prediction error generated by Critic that updates the parameters of the omission Critic |
Stimulus/response option neural-dynamic variables indexed by where
Rew(t) |
Reward expectation (right-side blue node Fig. 8) classification of stimulus |
Om(t) |
Omission expectation (left-side blue node Fig. 8) classification of stimulus |
Meta-parameter that controls the slope and threshold of Rew and Om variables allowing for competition for stimulus classification |
Connection strength in [0, 1] between pre-synaptic node and post-synaptic node . See connections denoted by (2) on Fig. 8