Figure 2.
Sensorimotor network component and longitudinal changes in intrinsic network connectivity. (a) Representative sagittal, coronal, and axial slices of the ICA-extracted sensorimotor resting-state pattern on a brain template. The pattern (green) was estimated from a group of 18 subjects. The resulting binary image shows z-scaled network connectivity thresholded at z > 1 in neurological convention, with coordinates referring to x, y, and z in mm MNI space. (b) GLM analysis of changing iFCSEMO after rSS at Punc. < 0.001 (k > 10 vx). Regions of higher iFC are plotted in red, whereas regions of lower iFC are plotted in blue. An arrow marks the cluster at the left postcentral gyrus (BA 3) which survived a small volume correction (10 mm sphere at x/y/z = −55/−22/41; PFWE = 0.016). Coordinates refer to x, y, and z in mm MNI space and neurological convention.