Figure 5. Fecal transfer from antibiotic-treated mice leads to an altered microbiota compared to transfer from control donors.
Diversity and composition of fecal microbiota was determined in recipient mice three weeks after fecal transfer from control or antibiotic-treated donors. Species richness was measured using the Chao (A) and Shannon (B) indices. The mean value and confidence interval for each group are illustrated. Standard errors around each Chao1 estimator value are also shown. TA1-5 = recipients after transfer from antibiotic-treated donor; TC1-5 = recipients after transfer from control donor. (C) Plot of the PCoA results, based on weighted UniFrac for antibiotic (triangles) and control (circles) groups. The percent of overall variability accounted for by each axis is denoted in the axis labels. (D) OTUs that exhibited a significant difference in abundance between the antibiotic and control treatments. Here, each dot represents an individual OTU. Positive values indicate an increase, and negative values indicate a decrease in the antibiotic group, relative to the control. OTUs are grouped by the genus (x-axis) to which they belong. All OTUs shown belong to phylum Firmicutes, with the exception of those (denoted with an asterisk) assigned to Anaeroplasma (phylum Tenericutes).